First he're the generic blog I posted yesterday:
For some random reason I no longer like my job. I'll figure it out and explain more next time.
The baby is doing well. She's over 12 lbs now 2 weeks ago she came down with a cold but she's past that now. Now she has Thrush from the antibiotics so I get to swab this nasty stuff around her mouth several times a day. But she's talking (making noise), smiling, and laughing now and soooo much fun to be around. She has a bad habit of fussing at night until I let her cuddle up w/ me in the big bed for a while but then she goes to sleep in her bed so I guess it's not too bad.
Now for the real stuff, you know PICTURES!
In February we went on our annual vacation to the beach. We were there from Saturday to Saturday.
Hubby played at a drag racing park and Danica got to sit in her first race car

This is the mural over the door to the place...pretty cool

There were many beautiful sunrises that I got to watch from the comfort of our balcony.

This is the little boy we met at the Petty Driving Experience (where hubby used to work) who had a crush on Dani, she's already breaking hearts!

On Wednesday my mom came over and took care of the baby, it was my first time away from her and it sucked! I didn't do very well.
Friday Kat met us at Sugar Mill Gardens. I'm putting those in a spoiler since they aren't as cute as Danica pics. But just for a bit of history, Sugar Mill Gardens was originally the Dunlawton Sugar Plantation. It was attacked during the first Seminole war in 1836. What we visited were the ruins of that plantation and it was beautiful. At one point in the 1950's they tried to make it a theme park called Bongoland featuring cement dinosaurs but the park failed. The dinos are still there (and quite ugly).
After that we went down so I could put Dani's toes in the sand for the first time
Then it was the ocean for the first time.
She didn't care for either.
And here are some random pics from our vacation that make me smile.
All that fun makes a baby sleepy
The day we came home was my birthday, luckily we had the baby so we weren't out dancing because right around the time we would have been coming home there was a bear on our porch. We chased him through the neighborhood (we were in the jeep) then we lost him so we came back home and he was back on our porch!!! Damn brazen bear! He came back the next 2 nights but appearantly realized there was nothing tasty to be found so he hasn't been back since.
And that gets us through the month of February. I'm going to try to get the month of March up in the near future so then I can do April and maybe even get caught up.
Love you all!
Alright let me get this out of the way... awww look at the baby! Ok ok ok hmmrghsg... Oh yeah I am still sore from working out Friday! Perhaps I should not have waited so long to go back... if you are doing all that crazy stuff then you should be great soon so what are you talkin about!? Feel the pain baby!!!!!!