First of all...Happy Easter!

Before I overload you with the adorable Dani...
Please continue to keep little Noah in your thoughts and prayers. He is over 3lbs now and eating almost an ounce each feeding. He's doing well, but still has a long way to go.
And here are a few pics of Mr. Parker or as he's been nick named...Porker.

Now that that's out of the way be prepared...she's TOOOOO cute!!!

The best birthday present I could ever ask for...

See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.

And I stole the idea for this pic from skeeve and his pictures of his baby

That's all I have time for tonight. Aside from the Easter pic those are all from last month. I still have to post pics from our vacation (in the middle of Feb) and the awesome pics I've taken this month.
As an update, I have been back to work for 2 weeks now. It's the same as when I left. Dani is doing well with the babysitter and thanks to hubby's job she's only there a few hours a day. She has started smiling on purpose as opposed to the previous accidental smiles. I'm still not making enough milk but I'm too stubborn to give up,'s that much less formula I have to buy. That's all for now.
Love you all!

Before I overload you with the adorable Dani...
Please continue to keep little Noah in your thoughts and prayers. He is over 3lbs now and eating almost an ounce each feeding. He's doing well, but still has a long way to go.
And here are a few pics of Mr. Parker or as he's been nick named...Porker.

Now that that's out of the way be prepared...she's TOOOOO cute!!!

The best birthday present I could ever ask for...

See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.

And I stole the idea for this pic from skeeve and his pictures of his baby

That's all I have time for tonight. Aside from the Easter pic those are all from last month. I still have to post pics from our vacation (in the middle of Feb) and the awesome pics I've taken this month.
As an update, I have been back to work for 2 weeks now. It's the same as when I left. Dani is doing well with the babysitter and thanks to hubby's job she's only there a few hours a day. She has started smiling on purpose as opposed to the previous accidental smiles. I'm still not making enough milk but I'm too stubborn to give up,'s that much less formula I have to buy. That's all for now.
Love you all!

Thanks for the comments and stopping by, I have ben reading your journal long enough to know how you have struggled and how blessed you are now. Your insightful journals are the reason I friended you in the first place, and you love of cats.
I heard once that sometimes it takes a while to get what we want, maybe god or the cosmic force wants to makes sure we know that we really want it.
Or maybe I just made it up
Sumding like that.