According to the ultrasound on the 9th she was 7 lbs even and expected to gain about an ounce a day until she's born. According to my midwife on the 10th I was 2 cm dilated and 35% effaced, in other words everything is getting ready...except HER.
We've got the nursery almost done, here are some pics. Keep in mind that 95% of the clothes were hand me downs and the only one's I put out are 0-3 months. I have the same amt of 3-6 month, and 6-9!

We had one last night of dancing on Friday. Kat got Leo's Maverick running so here are some pics of her in the car and us girls *after* hours of dancing.
oh, and we can't forget the pregnancy perks...
Our friends from birthing class had their baby! Introducing the beautiful Madison Margaret! Yes, I look like a dork, but at least I'm a happy dork
While on the subject of are a few of Mr. Parker, the bitchy sis-in-law's baby.
I found these from when I was playing w/ the camera around Christmas, I liked the way the lights looked.
And here's what I look like on my due date...
And now I'm sleepy so I'm going to bed.
to you all.
I'm calling it. I hope I'm not wrong. (but I still called that you were having a girl! haha)