Now, my last entry was Monday morning so none of you (well very few of you) know how my 4-D ultrasound went. This was our 3rd trip (hour + drive) to the place and we were just hoping she would cooperate and show her face, we had both the moms there again. I had lots of soda before hand in the hopes that she would be bouncing, she wasn't. The tech tried and tried but she wouldn't bring her hands down from her mouth. So he said we'd take a short break and have me sit indian style and jiggle her around. So I did, he came back, still no luck, another break "try walking around" (I also jumped and jogged etc), no luck, another break "lay on your left side as close to on your belly as you can". So I did, and it was mighty uncomfortable, but he came back and voila! Baby face looking straight at the probe w/ no hands in the way! So here are some of my favorite pics, I'm not promising you'll be able to make out what's what, but you can always ask.
So after the appointment we got stuck in the elevator! Then we ate at a place I usually love but a different branch, this one wasn't up to par.
A little more time means a little more update
So I was supposed to get a DVD and a pic CD of my u/s session. The DVD is great but the pic CD wouldn't work. So I called Tues and the guy said he'd e-mail me a zip file of all my pics. Tues evening, no e-mail, Wed morning, no e-mail. So I called them again and left a msg. No return call so at lunch I e-mailed them, around 4 still no reply so I called them again. Got the guy this time and found out he sent them to the wrong address. So Wed evening I got my 3-D pics.
In the meantime I got the negatives for the pics my mom-in-law took at my shower and took them to a pharmacy place on my way to lunch to have duplicates and a CD made. They said it should all be ready by 4 and I got off at 5 so it sounded perfect. I got there around 5:15, they couldn't find any of my stuff, no negatives, no pics, no CD. They finally find it but the girl who was working on it hadn't finished my CD. They asked me to hang out for 15-20 min while they finished it up, no problem. 35 minutes later I'm standing there while they all tried to pretend they didn't see me. Then the girl says "we can't get the machine to work, it shut down about 3 min into the process" (so I've been bored for half an hour for no reason)
Chick: "we should be able to do it later tonight, if you want to go home and come back".
Me: "home is 45 min away, I'll just take my pics & negatives and go"
Chick: "but you won't have your CD" (duh)
Me: "I'll live w/ it"
Chick: "You could pick it up in the morning!" (Thanksgiving morning)
Me: "you must be crazy if you think I'm leaving anything w/ you ppl overnight, I left stuff here for 4 hours and you lost it!"
Chick: "But how will you get your CD if you take your negatives?"
Me: "I'll take them somewhere else!"
Then (after I pay for the pics) I'm looking thru them and the pic of the cake is half on this pic and half on another and they put a whole set of negatives in backwards so all the writing is backwards! I ask the girl how long will it take for you to fix this?
Girl: "Not long, maybe 5 min. "
and she does the backwards ones
Me: "and what about the cake one?"
Girl: "what do you mean"
Me: "I mean I'd like for the picture of the cake to be on ONE pic not split between 2"
Girl: "I don't see the problem"
OMG!!!!! Let me strangle you now!!!
So she finally got it all fixed and I left, after dinner I was showing the pics to the hubby and half the ones that were re-done looked like they had white-out tape across them. Oh-well. So I'm talking to mom-in-law about all this and she says, why didn't you tell me? I'll just make you a copy of my cd and give it to you tomorrow!
Turkey day was good, got more baby presents and ate too much. Had to work in the morning. Had to work Fri. morning too. Then we were working on building cages. Hopefully we'll finish the Arctic Fox cage today (Sat) and be done w/ cages for a while.
I should go now and be a good girl, meaning start my thank you notes. Talk to you all later!