So last weekend the daughter of a co-worker (daughter is almost 2) had a seizure in Walmart, so all week she's been having me talk to the drs because she gets too emotional and doesn't listen properly. Baby will be fine, just an infection and her body doing what it was supposed to do to let everyone know what was going on. But still quite scary, especially for the little one.
Last night was our first child birthing class. Before I went in my excited vs. scared scale was tilted highly toward excited. Now it's way more toward the scared side. I'm honestly not sure I can do this! My dr. says that w/ all the probs I've had this will be simple, it sure as hell doesn't sound or look simple! But I'm in it now, 30 weeks today!
Wow time has flown!
Because of the class it was later than usual before I got to eat, and a lot later before I got to bed. The teacher griped at me for how I sleep so I tried to be a good mommy and sleep the way she told me. Understand this to mean that I didn't sleep very well at all and now I'm all achy and sore. Then I overslept and hubby wouldn't get his ass out of bed to help w/ anything including the dead squirrel in our yard that I'm afraid the dogs will decide is a toy. And since I don't know what killed it... So I got to dig a hole this morning, after getting up late!
Tonight I see my most bestest friend in the whole wide world and steal her baby for a while
Between work and seeing her I have a ton of errands to run. Tomorrow is my baby shower...I'm so nervous and excited! She sent out a ton of invitations and at first I was a bit sad that I had sooo many who can't attend but we started looking at the numbers and we're expecting 30-40 ppl
That's A LOT of ppl (at least to me) but that means more goodies for my baby!!! I was really afraid nobody would show, I'm amazed at how excited people are for us!
Saturday night is a co-workers annual party, last year I got stupid drunk. No such fun this year! But I'll be able to watch everybody else get stupid so hopefully that will make up for it! Hubby won't be able to go, he has an awards banquet for racing and if he's not there our team doesn't get our season points money. So away he'll be.
Sunday we have lots to do at home and lots of running around. Then Monday is our *repeat* 4-d ultrasound, hopefully she'll cooperate.
Wow, this got long! That's enough for now. Besides it's time for me to go talk to my grayness
I'm sure I'll update soon!
Last night was our first child birthing class. Before I went in my excited vs. scared scale was tilted highly toward excited. Now it's way more toward the scared side. I'm honestly not sure I can do this! My dr. says that w/ all the probs I've had this will be simple, it sure as hell doesn't sound or look simple! But I'm in it now, 30 weeks today!

Because of the class it was later than usual before I got to eat, and a lot later before I got to bed. The teacher griped at me for how I sleep so I tried to be a good mommy and sleep the way she told me. Understand this to mean that I didn't sleep very well at all and now I'm all achy and sore. Then I overslept and hubby wouldn't get his ass out of bed to help w/ anything including the dead squirrel in our yard that I'm afraid the dogs will decide is a toy. And since I don't know what killed it... So I got to dig a hole this morning, after getting up late!
Tonight I see my most bestest friend in the whole wide world and steal her baby for a while

Saturday night is a co-workers annual party, last year I got stupid drunk. No such fun this year! But I'll be able to watch everybody else get stupid so hopefully that will make up for it! Hubby won't be able to go, he has an awards banquet for racing and if he's not there our team doesn't get our season points money. So away he'll be.
Sunday we have lots to do at home and lots of running around. Then Monday is our *repeat* 4-d ultrasound, hopefully she'll cooperate.
Wow, this got long! That's enough for now. Besides it's time for me to go talk to my grayness

I'm sure I'll update soon!

And don't be scared. Women have been birthing babies for a long time!
<3 K