Well, a lot happened this week.
~Monday was exactlly 6 months since my step-mom died.
~Thursday would have been her wedding anniversary w/ my dad.
~Wednesday my good friend (who's havng the boy) got bad test results back, well not bad but remote possiblity of bad and she's decided to focus on the negative.
Yesterday we had our repeat 4-D ultrasound (since she was such a brat the first time). This time we took our moms. But again she was a brat and kept her hands in front of her face and wouldn't move them. So now we get to go back *again* (still at no extra $) but we're going to try an evening this time since that's when she's most active. The guy said he'll keep having us back until he gets pictures he feels are good advertisements, now that's good business! So next time I'll be bad and drink lots of soda before we go.
After the ultrasound we went and put a down payment on the crib set we want and the moms put extra down. Then we went to Sweet Tomatoes for lunch (YUM!) then Babies-R-Us where I got info on infant swim lessons, and his mom bought me the fetal listener (so I can hear her heartbeat and play music to her) and the diaperbag I really wanted. Yay for stuff!!!!
Of course after I got home I tried to hear her heart but couldn't, I should have known better. Oh, and she keeps getting under my ribs. On the U/S she was looking toward my ribs and I'm sure she was thinking "how much of me can I squeeze up there?"
Today Hubby actually went to church w/ me! Now, I'm not super religious but this is the church I went to when I was little w/ my mom and Grams so it's a special place for me. It makes me very happy that he vollunteered to go.
After church we had a yummy breakfast out, then came home and started moving some of the big furniture out of the nursery. One step closer!!!
In the last 2 days I've had 2 ladies tell me they can't believe how far along I am. I know to most of you this means nothing, but to the ladies who've had kids they'll understand how good this made me feel.
Tomorrow is a holiday, I have a lot I want to accomplish but we'll see how much actually gets done. Thursday is our first child birth class, not sure what to expect from that. Then next Saturday is my baby shower!
That's about it for now, but I think it's enough!
~Monday was exactlly 6 months since my step-mom died.
~Thursday would have been her wedding anniversary w/ my dad.
~Wednesday my good friend (who's havng the boy) got bad test results back, well not bad but remote possiblity of bad and she's decided to focus on the negative.
Yesterday we had our repeat 4-D ultrasound (since she was such a brat the first time). This time we took our moms. But again she was a brat and kept her hands in front of her face and wouldn't move them. So now we get to go back *again* (still at no extra $) but we're going to try an evening this time since that's when she's most active. The guy said he'll keep having us back until he gets pictures he feels are good advertisements, now that's good business! So next time I'll be bad and drink lots of soda before we go.
After the ultrasound we went and put a down payment on the crib set we want and the moms put extra down. Then we went to Sweet Tomatoes for lunch (YUM!) then Babies-R-Us where I got info on infant swim lessons, and his mom bought me the fetal listener (so I can hear her heartbeat and play music to her) and the diaperbag I really wanted. Yay for stuff!!!!
Of course after I got home I tried to hear her heart but couldn't, I should have known better. Oh, and she keeps getting under my ribs. On the U/S she was looking toward my ribs and I'm sure she was thinking "how much of me can I squeeze up there?"
Today Hubby actually went to church w/ me! Now, I'm not super religious but this is the church I went to when I was little w/ my mom and Grams so it's a special place for me. It makes me very happy that he vollunteered to go.
After church we had a yummy breakfast out, then came home and started moving some of the big furniture out of the nursery. One step closer!!!
In the last 2 days I've had 2 ladies tell me they can't believe how far along I am. I know to most of you this means nothing, but to the ladies who've had kids they'll understand how good this made me feel.
Tomorrow is a holiday, I have a lot I want to accomplish but we'll see how much actually gets done. Thursday is our first child birth class, not sure what to expect from that. Then next Saturday is my baby shower!
That's about it for now, but I think it's enough!

Oh and Sweet Tomatoes is my favorite place too! My son turned 5 on Thursday and when I asked him what he wanted for lunch, he picked Sweet Tomatoes so he and Mom had a "lunch date" there for his birthday. My kids love it there and that makes me happy.
Oh and tell Danica I said to stop being such a boog and show her face!
<3 K
I wish I had time to do Christmas cards this year, but I most likely won't. Maybe next year.