So much happy to tell!
~I'm entering this on my new laptop!
~The boss is on vacation for the next month.
~I have the most awesome bestest friend evar.
~Because of her my baby shower is gonna rock!
~We go for our next 4-d ultrasound next Sat and we're taking our moms.
~Friday morning I had a very stimulating conversation w/ a good friend on here.
~I spent several hours yesterday chatting up my grayness
~I found out my preggo friend is having a boy (which means I don't have to worry about my little tom-boy
girl kicking her little princess girl's ass.
On the downside
~my laptop keyboard doesn't agree w/ chat so I can't really talk
~it's also not great for blog entries since it likes to spontaneously erase (thus I'm typing all this for the 3rd time)
~Hubby spent all day at said preggo friend's house working on her nursery and cages (because there's
nothing that needs to be done here ya know.)
~he then came home and ignored me (didn't even take me out to dinner as promised)
~now I have to worry about my little tom-boy girl kicking her little boy's ass.
But the good still out weighs the bad so I'll just be happy and continue on.
Hope you all have a great weekend!
~I'm entering this on my new laptop!
~The boss is on vacation for the next month.
~I have the most awesome bestest friend evar.
~Because of her my baby shower is gonna rock!
~We go for our next 4-d ultrasound next Sat and we're taking our moms.
~Friday morning I had a very stimulating conversation w/ a good friend on here.

~I spent several hours yesterday chatting up my grayness

~I found out my preggo friend is having a boy (which means I don't have to worry about my little tom-boy
girl kicking her little princess girl's ass.
On the downside
~my laptop keyboard doesn't agree w/ chat so I can't really talk
~it's also not great for blog entries since it likes to spontaneously erase (thus I'm typing all this for the 3rd time)
~Hubby spent all day at said preggo friend's house working on her nursery and cages (because there's
nothing that needs to be done here ya know.)
~he then came home and ignored me (didn't even take me out to dinner as promised)
~now I have to worry about my little tom-boy girl kicking her little boy's ass.
But the good still out weighs the bad so I'll just be happy and continue on.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

<3 K
I'm sorry the Mr. is ignoring you. Tell him he's making me very unhappy and he wouldn't like me when I'm unhappy.