Let me apologize in advance. This will most likely be more of a rant than a blog. I'm so pissed off I can hardly see straight.
Let me start by explaining last week at work. In my job you never know what you'll be doing from day to day, until you get there and look at the assignment board. So last week went like this...
~Monday I was in vet prep - meaning it was my job to get all the adopted animals ready for surgery, usually a 2 person job but I was assigned alone, I got EVERYTHING done to where the girl who was in there Tues had nothing to do but walk and feed. All tests, vaccines, paperwork, and baths DONE.
~Tues & Wed I was in dogs and livestock - for this you are the only person in livestock so it's not like you can half ass it, the animals have to be fed and watered, the pens have to be picked and you're the only one to do it. Oh, and you can't start on that until you're done w/ dogs so while the rest of the "dog people" are sitting on their asses taking a break you're out in the full sun sweating and working.
~Thurs is when we were short 9 people so it's not like it really mattered what you were assigned to because everybody had to do everything. For the record I was in dogs. I also need to point out that on Thurs the people in euthanasia didn't feel like doing any dogs, so they left them all.
~Friday I was in euthanasia - the one section I'm not really supposed to be in because of my pregnancy, it's where you're most likely to get bit or hurt. So not only am I in there, we have a double load because we have our list of dogs PLUS what should have been done the day before. To add to the fun most of what should have already been done was BIG AGGRESSIVE dogs. So now I'm having to wrestle dogs almost as big as me and a whole lot meaner.
~Yesterday = dogs w/ the new girl shadowing me. When we got there at 9 Tim had already done the "happy side" so we started on the quarantine side. She hasn't had her rabies vax yet so she can't go in w/ any of these to scrub. That means I scrubbed all the runs (about 40 of them) by myself while she did what she could from outside the runs and the other 3 people assigned to the area did holding cages (holding cages are smaller and easier to clean and there are about 9 of them)
My point? I was pulled aside yesterday and told that I had been "pulling a Melissa". That I was slacking off and it was hard to get me to do anything in the kennel. WTF??? Do you people even work with me??? I just stood there w/ my mouth hanging open. The girl who said it made a comment about she's seen it herself so I asked for AN example, she couldn't give me anything, I reapeated JUST ONE example, still nothing. I don't know what pissed me off more...that she said it, that somebody else said it to her (she's not a very independent thinker) or that she pulled me off my lunch to tell me this crap. So when I went back to lunch I texted my hubby about it and his solution was to not help anybody else the rest of the day, but that just isn't me, especially when I'm training a new girl.
We'll see what happens today. I'm going to do my job (just like I have been) and try to be civil even though I'm not sure how well I'll do.
Oh and I think I have ring worm on my arm. Probably from when I was in vet prep w/ the cats...you know...doing nothing.
to all of you.
Let me start by explaining last week at work. In my job you never know what you'll be doing from day to day, until you get there and look at the assignment board. So last week went like this...
~Monday I was in vet prep - meaning it was my job to get all the adopted animals ready for surgery, usually a 2 person job but I was assigned alone, I got EVERYTHING done to where the girl who was in there Tues had nothing to do but walk and feed. All tests, vaccines, paperwork, and baths DONE.
~Tues & Wed I was in dogs and livestock - for this you are the only person in livestock so it's not like you can half ass it, the animals have to be fed and watered, the pens have to be picked and you're the only one to do it. Oh, and you can't start on that until you're done w/ dogs so while the rest of the "dog people" are sitting on their asses taking a break you're out in the full sun sweating and working.
~Thurs is when we were short 9 people so it's not like it really mattered what you were assigned to because everybody had to do everything. For the record I was in dogs. I also need to point out that on Thurs the people in euthanasia didn't feel like doing any dogs, so they left them all.
~Friday I was in euthanasia - the one section I'm not really supposed to be in because of my pregnancy, it's where you're most likely to get bit or hurt. So not only am I in there, we have a double load because we have our list of dogs PLUS what should have been done the day before. To add to the fun most of what should have already been done was BIG AGGRESSIVE dogs. So now I'm having to wrestle dogs almost as big as me and a whole lot meaner.
~Yesterday = dogs w/ the new girl shadowing me. When we got there at 9 Tim had already done the "happy side" so we started on the quarantine side. She hasn't had her rabies vax yet so she can't go in w/ any of these to scrub. That means I scrubbed all the runs (about 40 of them) by myself while she did what she could from outside the runs and the other 3 people assigned to the area did holding cages (holding cages are smaller and easier to clean and there are about 9 of them)
My point? I was pulled aside yesterday and told that I had been "pulling a Melissa". That I was slacking off and it was hard to get me to do anything in the kennel. WTF??? Do you people even work with me??? I just stood there w/ my mouth hanging open. The girl who said it made a comment about she's seen it herself so I asked for AN example, she couldn't give me anything, I reapeated JUST ONE example, still nothing. I don't know what pissed me off more...that she said it, that somebody else said it to her (she's not a very independent thinker) or that she pulled me off my lunch to tell me this crap. So when I went back to lunch I texted my hubby about it and his solution was to not help anybody else the rest of the day, but that just isn't me, especially when I'm training a new girl.
We'll see what happens today. I'm going to do my job (just like I have been) and try to be civil even though I'm not sure how well I'll do.
Oh and I think I have ring worm on my arm. Probably from when I was in vet prep w/ the cats...you know...doing nothing.

We had to deal with ringworm when we adopted our daughters cat. It was bad, the shelter told us it was "dry skin" and that they had done a thorough vet check. Well, they hadn't because our vet took one look and said "it's ringworm, but I'll get the light out just to show you" I understand it's difficult in a shelter but man, that sucked. Lots of laundry, meds and tea tree oil everywhere. I hope they realize what a gem they have in having you as an employee. Don't push yourself though just because someone said stupid things to you. If you're having issues, talk to your boss and tell them what's up. I highly doubt it was your boss saying any of those things. I wish there was some way to prove what they were doing while you're off doing all the work.
Love you hon. And thanks for the love on my newest emo crap. I promise I'll be fine soon.
If you ever decide to leave, you should totally get one of these.