So, I've wasted my whole day off by playing online. Oh-well, at least I had fun. I couldn't get anymore of my pics to load to the pages I use for that so instead I checked out the sets that were previously banned (because I hadn't had time yet) if you haven't done this yet you should and here's the link Banned
Then I went back to the masturbation group and re-visited the cybersex orgy wankathon thread which got me all hot and bothered.
I ate some lunch in the middle of all that.
Now I'm headed out to my man's work for a *visit* then it's pedicure time.
Life is pretty good today.
Edited to add:
So why does my profile say I haven't logged on since January 6th? Obviously I have!!
Also, I need opinions, so give 'em to me.
My back has been bothering me and my best friend is a massage therapist so I've been going to her, another good friend (guy) has been having pain that we thought she might be able to fix, turns out it's bone spurrs and she can't fix it. He's trying to say that it would help his pain if he could just watch when she gives me my massage(s). I'm actually considering it if he agrees to pay for my massage (I actually only pay tip). Here's the opinion part...Does that make me a whore? There's no sexual favors for him in exchange for the money, I'm not getting the money myself, and I'm getting the massage anyways whether he's there or not. So what do you guys think? You know I value your opinions. Thanks.
Then I went back to the masturbation group and re-visited the cybersex orgy wankathon thread which got me all hot and bothered.
I ate some lunch in the middle of all that.
Now I'm headed out to my man's work for a *visit* then it's pedicure time.
Life is pretty good today.
Edited to add:
So why does my profile say I haven't logged on since January 6th? Obviously I have!!
Also, I need opinions, so give 'em to me.
My back has been bothering me and my best friend is a massage therapist so I've been going to her, another good friend (guy) has been having pain that we thought she might be able to fix, turns out it's bone spurrs and she can't fix it. He's trying to say that it would help his pain if he could just watch when she gives me my massage(s). I'm actually considering it if he agrees to pay for my massage (I actually only pay tip). Here's the opinion part...Does that make me a whore? There's no sexual favors for him in exchange for the money, I'm not getting the money myself, and I'm getting the massage anyways whether he's there or not. So what do you guys think? You know I value your opinions. Thanks.
It's a friend. And as much as I doubt it'd make him "better" it's not like he'd be feeling you up or anything. And no, it doesn't make you a whore. It just makes him a randy little perv .