My life is conflicted. On the good side I start working at animal control tomorrow, under that umbrella are the smaller good things of getting away from my bookstore boss, getting benefits, getting paid more, being able to afford my meds, opportunity (due to $) to get preg in the next year or so. On the bad side I have a friend missing, and I obviously have sucker stamped on my forehead. It's Sunday, I should be playing, instead I just showered after my spinning class and now I'm working on bookstore stuff because if I don't do it I'll feel guilty. I think I have some serious guilt issues but I haven't thought about it enough to figure out where they come from. So not only am I doing this today I'll also be working at the bookstore for the next few Saturdays. I just hate feeling so tired and mentally . I just don't have enough time for all the crap and myself so the crap is getting taken care of, maybe I'll have time for me later. Sorry I'm so emo today. Hopefully tomorrow will be much better and I can get rid of this post quickly.
Aw, I'm sorry hon. What is spinning?? Seriously, this has been driving me nuts. Ever since I heard about it in Sex and the City, it's been plaguing me!