Time for a new blog
2 more days! 2 more days! I'm only at this job for 2 more days! And I think my boss is trying to drive me crazy in that time!!! I've had her here all week (after not setting foot in the store for almost a year) but today I had her and her mom!!
So not only am I trying to teach the new girl I have to teach her mom who won't be here after I'm gone.
Oh well! Monday I start the new job! YAY benefits! Benefits = baby!!! Actually benefits = being able to afford my meds so I'm not in pain all the time and can actually start to consider a baby. I want one but have been told I won't be able to carry.
But I've proven doctors wrong before, guess I'll just have to do it again. And if they are right I'll just adopt.
New job, new job, new job
Not that I'm excited or anything.
So Sunday I get to spend the day with Stacy for a play date for our fuzzy kids. I'm taking my fox to play w/ hers, and my lemurs to play w/ her husband. I get to play w/ the serval and tiger so depending on who's doing what I might be able to snap a few pics
Oh, then we're going out to eat, not sure where yet, there are several places that know us well enough that we don't even have to order, just show up and food appears
Work outs: We've kept at the same level as last week and it's not as painfull.
So I guess that's all good, the others are still complaining.
The bears are back!!!
Ummm, I think that's it.
2 more days! 2 more days! I'm only at this job for 2 more days! And I think my boss is trying to drive me crazy in that time!!! I've had her here all week (after not setting foot in the store for almost a year) but today I had her and her mom!!
Oh well! Monday I start the new job! YAY benefits! Benefits = baby!!! Actually benefits = being able to afford my meds so I'm not in pain all the time and can actually start to consider a baby. I want one but have been told I won't be able to carry.
New job, new job, new job
So Sunday I get to spend the day with Stacy for a play date for our fuzzy kids. I'm taking my fox to play w/ hers, and my lemurs to play w/ her husband. I get to play w/ the serval and tiger so depending on who's doing what I might be able to snap a few pics
Work outs: We've kept at the same level as last week and it's not as painfull.
The bears are back!!!
Ummm, I think that's it.
Whats the new job? and YAY for your benefits!