Ok time for a new blog
So back to work yesterday after three days off. I literally wasn't on the clock for a whole minute before the person I despise the most at that place had something negative to say to me. I really felt like crap that day too. Woke up with chills and feeling like I was going to throw up. I went into work with a hoodie on in 70 something degree weather, I was so cold. and I didn't have the patience for her bullshit so I just looked at her like "FUCK OFF" and went mmmmmm and walked away. I am shocked I didnt say anything cause I will admit I am a huge bitch when I dont feel good.....LOL!
Today at work I worked my ass off cause we have a store visit in like 2 weeks and I want my entertainment area to be perfect So I dont get bitched at and my Team leader doesnt get bitched at cause I like him and I dont want him to have to deal with that. I cleaned and cleaned and organized and stuff. And I have a ton more to do tomorrow... and next week. I am currently looking for a new job. I need something that pays better and can guareentee me hours. The current job my hours flex from 20 hours to 37 hours a week and they are never the same. So I have been looking a little and putting in a few applications. Keep your fingers crossed for me that something comes up.... I guess we will see. I mean I do plan on going back to school next semester so if that is the case I need something that willl work around school.
I got pretty good comments on the blog with the questionaire about myself or survey whatever you want to call it so I am gonna start making it a regular thing. It may not be as long as the last everytime i guess we will just see. I mean there is only so much that you can tell about yourself to be honest. If you ever have any questions ask away. I am a open book. Stuff doesn't bother or offend me . Trust me it takes a lot to offend me seriously. LOL!
So here it goes
How did you get one of your scars? The one I have on the back of my lower right leg. I was a tomboy when I was younger and I was exploring the woods with 4 boys and got cut by a garden fence that was rusty. I waled through the rest of those woods with it bleed all over.....those were the days
How did you celebrate your last birthday? Unfortunately in the hospital where my mother in law was passing away from cancer. that is the day we found out it had spread more even with her doing chemo and radiation.
How are you feeling at this moment? Happy......I am listening to music and cuddled with my kitty
How did your night go last night? pretty good watched some tv with the hubby and just hung out at home. My gay husband came over and hung out too...its always a good time when we are together.
How did you do in high school? Pretty good...I skipped some and that didnt help but ok
How did you get the shirt you're wearing?I bought it myself I have had it forever. I only wear it as PJs now.
How often do you see ur best friend? well there are two maybe once or twice week...you get busy once you grow up it sucks
How much money did you spend last month? Too much. bills,birthday and neccessities add up
How old do you want to be when you get married?I am married and got married when I was 25
How old will you be at your next birthday? 28....ekkkk
Your mothers name? Dawn
What did you do last weekend? Went out and drank and went to a drag show
What is the most important part of your life? my family and friends
What would you rather be doing? I would love to be on vacation with the hubby somewhere alone on a beach...oh dreams
What did you last cry over? i watched a movie and it was reallly sad
What always makes you feel better when youre upset? my hubby even if I am mad at him he can make me laugh it drives me crazy
Whats the most important thing you look for in a significant other? personality and if they can have a good time and make me laugh
What are you worried about? Money and bills
What did you have for breakfast?Nothing....I know that is bad
Have you ever liked someone who had a girlfriend/boyfriend?yes
Have you ever had your heartbroken?yes i was young and stupid and thought I was in love!
Have you ever been out of the country?nope
Have you ever done something outrageously dumb?yes havent we all
Have you ever been back stabbed by a friend?yes young and dumb again
Have you ever had sex on the beach?nope
Have you ever dated someone younger than you?yes
Have you ever read an entire book in one day?yes
Who was the last person you saw? ummm my hubby
Who was the last person you texted? my best friend Crystal
Who was the last person you hungout with? my gay hubby Charles
Who was the last person to call you? A debt collecter....
Who did you last hug?my niece Josie when I left my parents
Who is the last person who texted you?my sister in law
Who was the las person you said "i love you" to? my hubby
Where does your best friend live? One in Alton other in Pontoon Beach
Where did you last go?my parents
Where did you last hang out?my parents
Where do you go to school?not in school going back to college next semester
Where is your favorite place to be?home with my family
Where did you sleep last night?my bed
Do you like someone right now?yes
Do you think anyone likes you?yes
Do you ever wish you were someone else?nope
Do you know the muffin man?yes the one who lives on dreary lane?
Does the future scare you?nope i have my hubby by my side i will be fine
Why are you best friends with your best friend(s)?cause they rock
Why did your parents give you the name you have? Mom wanted to name me Hailey dad wanted to name me Diana and mom said her name is Kathleen (katie) now get out so I can get some sleep. I love my mom she is such a awesome strong woman
Why are you doing this survey? cause I can ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you could have one super power what would it be??hmmm time travel
If you could go back in time and change one thing, would you?nope my past is my past and it made me the person I am today
If u were stranded on a deserted island & could bring 1 thing what would you bring?probably a cellphone....or food that is hard only 1 thing damn I may have to think about this one SKIP!
Would you ever get back together with any of your exs if they asked you?nope they have and I have gave one of them a second chance i was stupid....they are my ex's for reason
Would you ever shave your head to save someone you love? yes definately you wouldnt have to ask me twice
Are you happy with your life right now? yes.....i mean there are things that could make life easier but I am happy I have a great family and friends who l love me, i have a job, i have a place to live a car and food to eat I have what I need I am HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so there is another one I hope it was interesting....
I am currently obsessed with the new 30 seconds to mars CD....it is amazing especially these songs
and this one
so here is my hair after dying it the other day. I am using a different red,. I was mixing to and a color enhancer of red and I just used one and the color enhancer I think it is exactly how I wanted it.....
and one of my all time fav pics of me
well everyone have a good night off I go to take a shower and spend some time with the hubby and watch a movie!

So back to work yesterday after three days off. I literally wasn't on the clock for a whole minute before the person I despise the most at that place had something negative to say to me. I really felt like crap that day too. Woke up with chills and feeling like I was going to throw up. I went into work with a hoodie on in 70 something degree weather, I was so cold. and I didn't have the patience for her bullshit so I just looked at her like "FUCK OFF" and went mmmmmm and walked away. I am shocked I didnt say anything cause I will admit I am a huge bitch when I dont feel good.....LOL!
Today at work I worked my ass off cause we have a store visit in like 2 weeks and I want my entertainment area to be perfect So I dont get bitched at and my Team leader doesnt get bitched at cause I like him and I dont want him to have to deal with that. I cleaned and cleaned and organized and stuff. And I have a ton more to do tomorrow... and next week. I am currently looking for a new job. I need something that pays better and can guareentee me hours. The current job my hours flex from 20 hours to 37 hours a week and they are never the same. So I have been looking a little and putting in a few applications. Keep your fingers crossed for me that something comes up.... I guess we will see. I mean I do plan on going back to school next semester so if that is the case I need something that willl work around school.
I got pretty good comments on the blog with the questionaire about myself or survey whatever you want to call it so I am gonna start making it a regular thing. It may not be as long as the last everytime i guess we will just see. I mean there is only so much that you can tell about yourself to be honest. If you ever have any questions ask away. I am a open book. Stuff doesn't bother or offend me . Trust me it takes a lot to offend me seriously. LOL!
So here it goes
How did you get one of your scars? The one I have on the back of my lower right leg. I was a tomboy when I was younger and I was exploring the woods with 4 boys and got cut by a garden fence that was rusty. I waled through the rest of those woods with it bleed all over.....those were the days
How did you celebrate your last birthday? Unfortunately in the hospital where my mother in law was passing away from cancer. that is the day we found out it had spread more even with her doing chemo and radiation.
How are you feeling at this moment? Happy......I am listening to music and cuddled with my kitty
How did your night go last night? pretty good watched some tv with the hubby and just hung out at home. My gay husband came over and hung out too...its always a good time when we are together.
How did you do in high school? Pretty good...I skipped some and that didnt help but ok
How did you get the shirt you're wearing?I bought it myself I have had it forever. I only wear it as PJs now.
How often do you see ur best friend? well there are two maybe once or twice week...you get busy once you grow up it sucks
How much money did you spend last month? Too much. bills,birthday and neccessities add up
How old do you want to be when you get married?I am married and got married when I was 25
How old will you be at your next birthday? 28....ekkkk

Your mothers name? Dawn
What did you do last weekend? Went out and drank and went to a drag show
What is the most important part of your life? my family and friends
What would you rather be doing? I would love to be on vacation with the hubby somewhere alone on a beach...oh dreams
What did you last cry over? i watched a movie and it was reallly sad

What always makes you feel better when youre upset? my hubby even if I am mad at him he can make me laugh it drives me crazy
Whats the most important thing you look for in a significant other? personality and if they can have a good time and make me laugh
What are you worried about? Money and bills
What did you have for breakfast?Nothing....I know that is bad
Have you ever liked someone who had a girlfriend/boyfriend?yes
Have you ever had your heartbroken?yes i was young and stupid and thought I was in love!

Have you ever been out of the country?nope
Have you ever done something outrageously dumb?yes havent we all
Have you ever been back stabbed by a friend?yes young and dumb again
Have you ever had sex on the beach?nope
Have you ever dated someone younger than you?yes
Have you ever read an entire book in one day?yes
Who was the last person you saw? ummm my hubby
Who was the last person you texted? my best friend Crystal
Who was the last person you hungout with? my gay hubby Charles
Who was the last person to call you? A debt collecter....

Who did you last hug?my niece Josie when I left my parents
Who is the last person who texted you?my sister in law
Who was the las person you said "i love you" to? my hubby
Where does your best friend live? One in Alton other in Pontoon Beach
Where did you last go?my parents
Where did you last hang out?my parents
Where do you go to school?not in school going back to college next semester
Where is your favorite place to be?home with my family
Where did you sleep last night?my bed
Do you like someone right now?yes
Do you think anyone likes you?yes
Do you ever wish you were someone else?nope
Do you know the muffin man?yes the one who lives on dreary lane?
Does the future scare you?nope i have my hubby by my side i will be fine
Why are you best friends with your best friend(s)?cause they rock
Why did your parents give you the name you have? Mom wanted to name me Hailey dad wanted to name me Diana and mom said her name is Kathleen (katie) now get out so I can get some sleep. I love my mom she is such a awesome strong woman
Why are you doing this survey? cause I can ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you could have one super power what would it be??hmmm time travel
If you could go back in time and change one thing, would you?nope my past is my past and it made me the person I am today
If u were stranded on a deserted island & could bring 1 thing what would you bring?probably a cellphone....or food that is hard only 1 thing damn I may have to think about this one SKIP!
Would you ever get back together with any of your exs if they asked you?nope they have and I have gave one of them a second chance i was stupid....they are my ex's for reason
Would you ever shave your head to save someone you love? yes definately you wouldnt have to ask me twice
Are you happy with your life right now? yes.....i mean there are things that could make life easier but I am happy I have a great family and friends who l love me, i have a job, i have a place to live a car and food to eat I have what I need I am HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so there is another one I hope it was interesting....
I am currently obsessed with the new 30 seconds to mars CD....it is amazing especially these songs
and this one
so here is my hair after dying it the other day. I am using a different red,. I was mixing to and a color enhancer of red and I just used one and the color enhancer I think it is exactly how I wanted it.....

and one of my all time fav pics of me

well everyone have a good night off I go to take a shower and spend some time with the hubby and watch a movie!

like the hair