
My best friend is having a really shitty time right now and I can't fix it.

She hates me because I'm "lucky." In her words, "You take a chance on a guy you don't know and you get a great boyfriend. I take a chance on a guy I don't know and I get raped."

I'm at a loss. It's true that she's had the...
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wow that's a whole lotta fucked up, ive learned from many experiences that you can't take the burden for other people, while it may help through an impass, it won't cure the weight, you have to help your friend to rationalize and not try and displace anger/blame and then she can truly get better

it'll be ok kiss
Um, wow.
Who knew that my online date would be so great? I won't get explicit or anything, but I'm seriously impressed....
love love love love

Ok, I won't be stupid anymore, but he is v. nice.
lol, your theme song eh? nice wink

so yeah, i downloaded the songs you mentioned, pretty fucking good. maybe i will buy the cd.

btw, nothing explicit?! thats no fun.
Ok, so you can't see my hot date on the internet.
He saw my profile (made it in a moment of boredom with some friends) when he was looking to see if anyone he knew had posted one...and he saw me and wondered if I could really beat him at scrabble like I say. He put up a profile and payed $25 just to send...
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lol, practice on literati wink
yeah well my favorite band list is pretty generic, i have over 6,000 cds spanning almost every genre you can think of
Ok, let's try to make it so you can see my date again...

I hope that works, he's a pretty cute little hippy!
Ok, it looks like it's working now--so I hope that's right! smile
whoa, I just got a date from an online personal.
this is freaky--I was joking when I filled the thing out and look at the cute boy who made a profile just to talk to me (I'm the girl he wants to play scrabble with!)
I feel just a little less bitter right now.
here--see at my date:
love love
link dun work for me tongue
I hope everyone had a v nice australia day.
Mine was good--but I still haven't gotten laid. This is ridiculous.
wish i could help, sorry
well, freedom from someone i have no contact with is nice, but i like having a gf. not that i want anything at all serious atm.
Drew has these curls that I want to pet and I have this feeling that he's not gonna let me touch them.
Roy has loverly curls too but he is in London and I can't reach that far.
Matt has this one curl....but he's in London too and he's smart enough to not love me.
I love him so much I hate him!
I hate...
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lol, i actually need the id to get into a concert, if i want booze i can get it pretty easy.

email the pic to me and ill resize it for you, my email is sprinkleme@hotmail.com

ps. alas i do not have a single curl. unless the partial frizziness i get on the sides count
dude--drew the aussie is hot. he is in so much trouble with me and he doesn't even know it--poor kid.
x-games this weekend!! I'll be there!!
also, I posted some pics--they're a bit outdated, as I'm now sporting bangs and shit--but it's me as of 2 months ago!!
(can't figure out how to make a pic the right size for my profile pic thingy...dammit)
lol, nice pics. if you want i can help with yer profile pic.
well I'm glad you think that nipple piercings would suit me
Went to a fab Guttermouth concert.
Am most definitely bruised today.
Mark, the singer, shared his beer with me and my friends. Makes me wanna be a groupie.

In other bizarre and sad notes, my best friend witnessed a boy hang himself in a tree while she was walking home after the concert. She got the cops and he's alive and ok now. Intense.
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thats hardcore. how'd your friend take it?
biking is awesome in any weather, and really, what isnt more fun when your drunk?
Uggg, headache.
Got dragged to a frat party last night. Ended up hitting some guy over the head cuz I decided he was creepy. Then I pushed some other guy and threw his hat into a mass of people...
I shouldn't go to frat parties. They make me bitchy.