katiebarthedoor's trubute journal to Walker: Texas Ranger.
okay, say what you want to about how lame it is to take a prestegious, dignified career in martial arts (like chuck has) and whore it out, by making an ass out of yourself on TV every week (syndicated), but Walker is a bad ass.
i saw this one episode once where he went back in time (stop laughing, i'm not joking) and had a shoot out with these six cats. high noon. middle of a dusty street. that kinda deal.
anyway, before any of these six hombres have a chance to pull a shot off, he promptly shots all 6 of them in the hand thereby making their pistols fall from their collective grips.
do you see now? how much of a badass he is!?
olympic marksmen cant do that shit, but Walker can.
and in other episodes i've seen him fly a plane, a hellicopter, a bulldozer and a crane, and a submarine! one of those little explorer subs, but a fucking submarine still. he can drive/fly anything!!1 WHAT A BADASS!
then in what can only be described as a case of life immitating...err art, Chuck negotiates a frickin standoff! WHAT A BADASS!
anyway, you get the point.
and dont say 'yeah, dude. that show sucks, totally.' because somebodies watching it, and i think it's you, lameass.
dont support bad TV. they'll just make more of it.
keep the faith.
okay, say what you want to about how lame it is to take a prestegious, dignified career in martial arts (like chuck has) and whore it out, by making an ass out of yourself on TV every week (syndicated), but Walker is a bad ass.

i saw this one episode once where he went back in time (stop laughing, i'm not joking) and had a shoot out with these six cats. high noon. middle of a dusty street. that kinda deal.
anyway, before any of these six hombres have a chance to pull a shot off, he promptly shots all 6 of them in the hand thereby making their pistols fall from their collective grips.
do you see now? how much of a badass he is!?
olympic marksmen cant do that shit, but Walker can.
and in other episodes i've seen him fly a plane, a hellicopter, a bulldozer and a crane, and a submarine! one of those little explorer subs, but a fucking submarine still. he can drive/fly anything!!1 WHAT A BADASS!
then in what can only be described as a case of life immitating...err art, Chuck negotiates a frickin standoff! WHAT A BADASS!
anyway, you get the point.
and dont say 'yeah, dude. that show sucks, totally.' because somebodies watching it, and i think it's you, lameass.
dont support bad TV. they'll just make more of it.

keep the faith.
Wish i was there to see unleashed with you.