it's not so bad, y'know?
here are som things that i love (or 25 reasons katiebarthedoor gets up in the morning).
1. making an entrance.
2. not making an entrance and quietly sneaking in.
3. i hate stupid questions, but i like it when someone asks "hey you want to smoke some pot?"
4. kung-fu and my friends at class.
5. when deejays break needles (especially when doing something that blows my mind).
6. when i catch a girl blatantly checking me out. it's like blood in the water.
7. opening the hood of my car and opening the throttle manually, i like to watch the chassis twist under tha torque.
8. beer and aspirin for breakfast.
9. going to the record store and digging way down deep in the reacord bins, to see if someone misssed a tasty breakbeat.
10. i'm not an emcee, but when i think of a clever rhyme about an inside joke, i like to spit it at my friends.
11. proving my point.
12. shooting (guns only )
13. when i randomly hear "take the money and run" by steve miller. i like to do the part where they clap real fast. billy jack, was a detective down in Texas, *clap, clap, clap, clap, clap*
14. helping my friends out. no better feeling in the fucking world.
15. sitting in my window and shooting bottlerockets at my friends when they come over.
16. listening to an awesome song, then when its over, immediately re-listening to it.
17. realizing something is'nt as important as i thought it was, then not really giving a fuck.
18. dropping F-bombs.
19. pressing my luck.
20. surprising myself with my radness.
21. being clean. i love it and wouldnt trade it for the world.
22. Jesus.
23. the beginning of the month (new comics and Hustler)
24. when i walk into a bar or club and the guy dosent even ask what i want and hands me a high-life. familiar.
25. i might see a girl naked.
also, you. yes, you.
what is something that makes you happy?
keep the faith.
here are som things that i love (or 25 reasons katiebarthedoor gets up in the morning).
1. making an entrance.
2. not making an entrance and quietly sneaking in.
3. i hate stupid questions, but i like it when someone asks "hey you want to smoke some pot?"
4. kung-fu and my friends at class.
5. when deejays break needles (especially when doing something that blows my mind).
6. when i catch a girl blatantly checking me out. it's like blood in the water.
7. opening the hood of my car and opening the throttle manually, i like to watch the chassis twist under tha torque.
8. beer and aspirin for breakfast.
9. going to the record store and digging way down deep in the reacord bins, to see if someone misssed a tasty breakbeat.
10. i'm not an emcee, but when i think of a clever rhyme about an inside joke, i like to spit it at my friends.
11. proving my point.
12. shooting (guns only )
13. when i randomly hear "take the money and run" by steve miller. i like to do the part where they clap real fast. billy jack, was a detective down in Texas, *clap, clap, clap, clap, clap*
14. helping my friends out. no better feeling in the fucking world.
15. sitting in my window and shooting bottlerockets at my friends when they come over.
16. listening to an awesome song, then when its over, immediately re-listening to it.
17. realizing something is'nt as important as i thought it was, then not really giving a fuck.
18. dropping F-bombs.
19. pressing my luck.
20. surprising myself with my radness.
21. being clean. i love it and wouldnt trade it for the world.
22. Jesus.
23. the beginning of the month (new comics and Hustler)
24. when i walk into a bar or club and the guy dosent even ask what i want and hands me a high-life. familiar.
25. i might see a girl naked.
also, you. yes, you.
what is something that makes you happy?
keep the faith.

in touch with yourself?

i am cooking dinner for a boy
no worries