So... I have heard a rumor that the owner of the Maryland Renaissance Festival grounds has died and his wife wants nothing to do with it anymore. Therefore, this may be the last season for a while, and I may skip comic con just to go to Renfest on the 10th and 11th of October.
When my sister told me this... I started to cry. I'm a person of habit and the two things I look forward to are the Renaissance Festival and Halloween. Now I can add Otakon to the list, but I don't want to lose Renaissance Festival as well. Anyways, whenever there is a hitch in my habits like something is closed or whoever I'm with doesn't care to stop somewhere (even if it's a McDonalds) that I've stopped at since I started going somewhere and it's kind of tradition, I freak out and get very upset very quickly.
I smoke the same brand of cigs, have since I started smoking. The people at 7-11 know what I smoke before I ask for it. I drink the same drink at Starbucks-- chai (either iced or hot), and they know what it is and order it before I even am asked what I want. I say the same prayers every night in the exact same order and can't sleep unless I do. When I was dating someone the phone conversation would always end in the same way, "Love you. Mwah. Bye." If it didn't end that way, my stupid ass would call back just to redo it correctly.
My routines mean everything to me. The point is, I will be uber depressed if it is closed after this season and no one picks it up. You'd be stupid not too. Shit, if I had that much money, I wouldn't even hesitate to buy it. My only worry is if someone does pick it up, how much are they going to change? Also, if you're a friend of mine, be prepared to be dragged along with me because that's whats going to happen. So... that's just a warning.
This year I will be going in costume no matter how fucking hot it is outside. I'll deal.
What the fuck am I going to do with all my WenchWear if it does close? Jesus God. I have enough corsets and bustiers and skirts and peasant tops to clothe the girls of Sin City. *sigh*
I'm distraught.
Oh... and if I do go to Comic Con, I need ideas on what to dress as. Give me your opinions!
OH! And Aned! If you're reading this... Curt can suck my cock. *sigh*
When my sister told me this... I started to cry. I'm a person of habit and the two things I look forward to are the Renaissance Festival and Halloween. Now I can add Otakon to the list, but I don't want to lose Renaissance Festival as well. Anyways, whenever there is a hitch in my habits like something is closed or whoever I'm with doesn't care to stop somewhere (even if it's a McDonalds) that I've stopped at since I started going somewhere and it's kind of tradition, I freak out and get very upset very quickly.
I smoke the same brand of cigs, have since I started smoking. The people at 7-11 know what I smoke before I ask for it. I drink the same drink at Starbucks-- chai (either iced or hot), and they know what it is and order it before I even am asked what I want. I say the same prayers every night in the exact same order and can't sleep unless I do. When I was dating someone the phone conversation would always end in the same way, "Love you. Mwah. Bye." If it didn't end that way, my stupid ass would call back just to redo it correctly.
My routines mean everything to me. The point is, I will be uber depressed if it is closed after this season and no one picks it up. You'd be stupid not too. Shit, if I had that much money, I wouldn't even hesitate to buy it. My only worry is if someone does pick it up, how much are they going to change? Also, if you're a friend of mine, be prepared to be dragged along with me because that's whats going to happen. So... that's just a warning.
This year I will be going in costume no matter how fucking hot it is outside. I'll deal.
What the fuck am I going to do with all my WenchWear if it does close? Jesus God. I have enough corsets and bustiers and skirts and peasant tops to clothe the girls of Sin City. *sigh*
I'm distraught.
Oh... and if I do go to Comic Con, I need ideas on what to dress as. Give me your opinions!
OH! And Aned! If you're reading this... Curt can suck my cock. *sigh*
Change is scary. There there. There there....
I have never had my thing. I have never had a place where people would know what i want i think it would be cool ..that way I would not hesitate and spend time thinking what i want