I started reading the Sookie Stackhouse series again.
I had really become disinterested after the fourth book because Eric Northmen is my favorite character.
So, I was a little disheartened once that whole episode with him and Sookie ended.
But, a friend of my sister's came over to study for their sign language class and apparently the girl had noticed all of Charlaine Harris' books lying all over the place. She must have asked my sister who they belonged to because when I went into the computer room to iron my pants... No, my Blue Sun shirt, she started talking to me about it.
She told me I should keep reading.
Yesterday, while I drove the 1.5 hr drive to the Dulles airport with my father to pick up my mom and sister, I started reading the fifth book again. I had maybe only gotten through the first 50 pages when I put it down oh so many months ago. So, on the way there, I managed to read more than halfway through the book, and actually got so into it again that I kept reading until 2-3 am that morning, even though I had to wake up early for work.
After work, I wanted to get the next book in the series, so I managed to wrangle up my friends for coffee, and also purchased the book while we were out. I haven't opened it yet, but I'm sure I will before I go to bed.
On another note, I was wearing my Cullen crest necklace today and when I was checking out, the lady told me it was very pretty. And I said thank you and pointed out that I made it. She said that she thought so because she hadn't seen that version of it. She said it was beautiful and asked me if I sold the things I made. I told her no, but that I had always thought about it. She said to let her know if I do decide to, and she said she would buy a Twilight themed necklace as well.
That made me happy, and giddy. Finally, someone noticed my work without having to completely shove it in their face.
My friends that I happened to be with that the time, both have these crushes on not only the most unattractive, but the most douchebaggish of men. I don't think that's a term, "douchebaggish", but it is now. And they decided to sit in my back seat while we went for a food run and the whole time Alyx and I are sitting in the front seat being quiet and listening to music, they're whispering in the back.
The reason they're whispering to begin with is because I have openly appraised each man as completely and totally worthless. I mean, someone has to tell them that their taste in men is absolutely deplorable. Why not me since I'm already titled the Bitch of the group? Well, anyways, let them fuss about men below their level. Me, I'm not waiting for shit. Sure, I do get lonely every once in a while, but that doesn't mean I'm about to go slumming. I've done my fair share of that before and I've promised myself I won't do that anymore.
They probably hate me is the point. Well, at least when they have someone with a cock to discuss. I know I piss Aned off something fierce sometimes. I can be damn right condescending, but you know what? I don't really care. She's never said anything to me, so until she does, I'm going to just keep on going the way I am. But, she also knows that even if she did, I probably wouldn't change anyways. I'm not that kind of girl. I am down right stubborn when it comes to protecting who I am.
I'm awesome. If no one else sees it, it's no skin off my teeth.
I had really become disinterested after the fourth book because Eric Northmen is my favorite character.
So, I was a little disheartened once that whole episode with him and Sookie ended.
But, a friend of my sister's came over to study for their sign language class and apparently the girl had noticed all of Charlaine Harris' books lying all over the place. She must have asked my sister who they belonged to because when I went into the computer room to iron my pants... No, my Blue Sun shirt, she started talking to me about it.
She told me I should keep reading.
Yesterday, while I drove the 1.5 hr drive to the Dulles airport with my father to pick up my mom and sister, I started reading the fifth book again. I had maybe only gotten through the first 50 pages when I put it down oh so many months ago. So, on the way there, I managed to read more than halfway through the book, and actually got so into it again that I kept reading until 2-3 am that morning, even though I had to wake up early for work.
After work, I wanted to get the next book in the series, so I managed to wrangle up my friends for coffee, and also purchased the book while we were out. I haven't opened it yet, but I'm sure I will before I go to bed.
On another note, I was wearing my Cullen crest necklace today and when I was checking out, the lady told me it was very pretty. And I said thank you and pointed out that I made it. She said that she thought so because she hadn't seen that version of it. She said it was beautiful and asked me if I sold the things I made. I told her no, but that I had always thought about it. She said to let her know if I do decide to, and she said she would buy a Twilight themed necklace as well.

My friends that I happened to be with that the time, both have these crushes on not only the most unattractive, but the most douchebaggish of men. I don't think that's a term, "douchebaggish", but it is now. And they decided to sit in my back seat while we went for a food run and the whole time Alyx and I are sitting in the front seat being quiet and listening to music, they're whispering in the back.
The reason they're whispering to begin with is because I have openly appraised each man as completely and totally worthless. I mean, someone has to tell them that their taste in men is absolutely deplorable. Why not me since I'm already titled the Bitch of the group? Well, anyways, let them fuss about men below their level. Me, I'm not waiting for shit. Sure, I do get lonely every once in a while, but that doesn't mean I'm about to go slumming. I've done my fair share of that before and I've promised myself I won't do that anymore.
They probably hate me is the point. Well, at least when they have someone with a cock to discuss. I know I piss Aned off something fierce sometimes. I can be damn right condescending, but you know what? I don't really care. She's never said anything to me, so until she does, I'm going to just keep on going the way I am. But, she also knows that even if she did, I probably wouldn't change anyways. I'm not that kind of girl. I am down right stubborn when it comes to protecting who I am.
I'm awesome. If no one else sees it, it's no skin off my teeth.
some people only think of little things like....is he hot to me? is he good in bed?
and dont care for anything
i could punch some ppl in the head, really
i wanted to write, cause i think in like a month i need to take a road trip to s.c. and back. i think allison is going to go down with me, and i was wondering if i could stop by on the way down or on the way back and give you a big hug, or if you wanted to get out of state(didnt know if had to stay within the state or the feds would be after you) and just come along for a lot of sitting on our asses and talking about life.
allison is really awesome and i know you'd really like her.
didnt know if you wanted to just get out, have a ghetto weekend and shoot the shit
it's a recon mission for my mattress, bookcase, dishes and stuff that i have left down there