so i think i got the plague again.
nomally i wake up at 6:30 am for work.
this morning, my body deided to get up at 5 am and stay up.
not only that but i cant breath bc my sinuses are so fucked,
i had to use hot water to open my eyes this morning bc they were crusted shut bc of all the extra mucus in my system
oh yeah, and i have a touch of a stomach virus so i feel like im gonna puke every 5 minutes.
im leaving for work in 45 minutes and when i get there,
im telling my boss that im only working a half day.
im fuckin leavin at 12 bc i cannot fucking stay there all day today.
no way in hell.
im really starting to think that my body just fuckin hates me.
i need to come home early and rest up and get better so that im ready to party with SGNJ tomorrow!!!
given, i will not miss this event even if i have to be dragged there on a stretcher,
but i dont wanna have to feel like death the whole time either
ugh...i really wish i had medical insurance so that i could go to the doctor and get meds...
bc i REALLY cant afford to go and pay the whole co-pay amount and also have to pay full price for my meds...
no way in hell man
i need to find a better job that gives me my benefits b4 ive been there 3 months...
...or at least pays me better so i can afford a doctor until i do get my benefits.
anyway...theres my morning bitch n moan.
off to get ready for work, ugh.
nomally i wake up at 6:30 am for work.
this morning, my body deided to get up at 5 am and stay up.
not only that but i cant breath bc my sinuses are so fucked,
i had to use hot water to open my eyes this morning bc they were crusted shut bc of all the extra mucus in my system
oh yeah, and i have a touch of a stomach virus so i feel like im gonna puke every 5 minutes.
im leaving for work in 45 minutes and when i get there,
im telling my boss that im only working a half day.
im fuckin leavin at 12 bc i cannot fucking stay there all day today.
no way in hell.
im really starting to think that my body just fuckin hates me.
i need to come home early and rest up and get better so that im ready to party with SGNJ tomorrow!!!
given, i will not miss this event even if i have to be dragged there on a stretcher,
but i dont wanna have to feel like death the whole time either
ugh...i really wish i had medical insurance so that i could go to the doctor and get meds...
bc i REALLY cant afford to go and pay the whole co-pay amount and also have to pay full price for my meds...
no way in hell man
i need to find a better job that gives me my benefits b4 ive been there 3 months...
...or at least pays me better so i can afford a doctor until i do get my benefits.
anyway...theres my morning bitch n moan.
off to get ready for work, ugh.
hope you feel better soon!
I hope you feel better and I hope you have a great time at the SGNJ thing.