When ________ my mom said....
I had black hair
"Your hair is ugly, you don't even look attractive anymore."
I was dating Zach
"What would a Queen's student want with someone like you?"
When I was dating Derek
"What would a Queen's student want with someone like you?"
When I was dating Andy
"What would a Queen's student want with someone like you?"
When I'm dating nobody
"Why don't you have a new boyfriend yet? I liked so-and-so, you shouldn't have screwed things up."
When I was skinny
"Your too skinny and your face looks gaunt. You don't look attractive."
After I gained 5lbs
"Maybe if you didn't eat so much chocolate you wouldn't gain weight." (I was eating the chocolate she bought me for easter.)
When my hair was long
"Your hair is too long and looks unhealthy."
When I cut my hair
"I liked your hair better long."
When I get stressed out over work
"You need to go to school and do something with your life, instead of working so much."
When I'm broke
"Maybe if you worked more you wouldn't be so poor."
Tonight, when she saw my red hair
"You've ruined your hair. You look ugly."
Fuck you mom.
I had black hair
"Your hair is ugly, you don't even look attractive anymore."
I was dating Zach
"What would a Queen's student want with someone like you?"
When I was dating Derek
"What would a Queen's student want with someone like you?"
When I was dating Andy
"What would a Queen's student want with someone like you?"
When I'm dating nobody
"Why don't you have a new boyfriend yet? I liked so-and-so, you shouldn't have screwed things up."
When I was skinny
"Your too skinny and your face looks gaunt. You don't look attractive."
After I gained 5lbs
"Maybe if you didn't eat so much chocolate you wouldn't gain weight." (I was eating the chocolate she bought me for easter.)
When my hair was long
"Your hair is too long and looks unhealthy."
When I cut my hair
"I liked your hair better long."
When I get stressed out over work
"You need to go to school and do something with your life, instead of working so much."
When I'm broke
"Maybe if you worked more you wouldn't be so poor."
Tonight, when she saw my red hair
"You've ruined your hair. You look ugly."
Fuck you mom.
tough love..........
........................what do you mean by queens student........what if youre like that with you children..........
hope not....................my throat hurts, im gonna take medicine....bye

im a scholar....................................................no im not