I was told i need to give 20 random facts about myself. ok, here it goes...
1) i cant stand the words "slit" and "slot". I dont know why, i think its how they feel when they roll off my tongue. lol
2) i love anything that makes me laugh. whether its a song, movie, person, whatever. I can hear a joke 20 times and still crack up about it.
3) i'll pretty much do anything for anybody...and it pisses me off. i wish i could just say no, i have my own stuff to do, but i just cant for some reason.
4) i can only stay mad for about an hour. no matter how mad i am, id rather just have everything back to normal, so i usually appologize even if its not my fault.
5) i love animals, but im not good at taking care of them. i can barely take care of myself! (also why i worry about having kids of my own someday) since i met my boyfriend, 2 birds, 2 rabbits, 2 guinea pigs, and a dog have died...and i swear i didnt even touch them! i just have bad luck with animals.
6) i love fried cheese sticks. its mandatory that they are served wherever we go to eat after work.
yum, now im hungry for them!
7) ive just recently become a "butt wiper" i dont know anything about kids, but now im with a guy who has a 3 year old. yeah, thats an experience! ive officially wiped another persons butt now. does it matter if you go front to back with a boy?
8) i love to take pictures but hide from the camera when its pointed twards me.
9) i like to do things that you can see the difference after its been done, like weed wacking or organizing things.
10) im a post-it note fanatic. my desk at work and my door at home are covered with them. someone actually left me a post-it saying "dont forget to post more post-its" lol
11) when i find a good book, i like to take an entire day and just read it until its finished. i dont get to do it often, but i dont like to stop and start, i just want to know the know how it ends. (i never cheat and read the end first)
12) i have a moth phobia. I dont want to be anywhere near them because they just dont care!
those fuckers will fly right on you!
13) this is taking me a long time to finish because i keep watching UFC instead of thinking about random facts. I like watching fights. thats a random fact...
14) i tell people my favorite color is yellow, but its actually black
15) i love to learn new things. i bought a car that was a stick just so i could learn how to drive it. i had the car for 2 weeks before i even tried it because i was afraid i would burn the clutch out.
16) i drive fast. i cant help it. and i go crazy if i get stuck behind someone going slow. i really think i will die in a car accident.
17) i truely believe everything happens for a reason
18) im a procrastinator. im suprised i didnt put this off longer.
19) i love to go outside and stretch and smell the air in the morning. especially when its sunny or snowing...
20) in the last few months ive become a lot more open-minded. ive done quite a few things lately that i swore i would never do...and it feels good
1) i cant stand the words "slit" and "slot". I dont know why, i think its how they feel when they roll off my tongue. lol
2) i love anything that makes me laugh. whether its a song, movie, person, whatever. I can hear a joke 20 times and still crack up about it.
3) i'll pretty much do anything for anybody...and it pisses me off. i wish i could just say no, i have my own stuff to do, but i just cant for some reason.
4) i can only stay mad for about an hour. no matter how mad i am, id rather just have everything back to normal, so i usually appologize even if its not my fault.
5) i love animals, but im not good at taking care of them. i can barely take care of myself! (also why i worry about having kids of my own someday) since i met my boyfriend, 2 birds, 2 rabbits, 2 guinea pigs, and a dog have died...and i swear i didnt even touch them! i just have bad luck with animals.
6) i love fried cheese sticks. its mandatory that they are served wherever we go to eat after work.
yum, now im hungry for them!
7) ive just recently become a "butt wiper" i dont know anything about kids, but now im with a guy who has a 3 year old. yeah, thats an experience! ive officially wiped another persons butt now. does it matter if you go front to back with a boy?
8) i love to take pictures but hide from the camera when its pointed twards me.
9) i like to do things that you can see the difference after its been done, like weed wacking or organizing things.
10) im a post-it note fanatic. my desk at work and my door at home are covered with them. someone actually left me a post-it saying "dont forget to post more post-its" lol
11) when i find a good book, i like to take an entire day and just read it until its finished. i dont get to do it often, but i dont like to stop and start, i just want to know the know how it ends. (i never cheat and read the end first)
12) i have a moth phobia. I dont want to be anywhere near them because they just dont care!
those fuckers will fly right on you!
13) this is taking me a long time to finish because i keep watching UFC instead of thinking about random facts. I like watching fights. thats a random fact...
14) i tell people my favorite color is yellow, but its actually black
15) i love to learn new things. i bought a car that was a stick just so i could learn how to drive it. i had the car for 2 weeks before i even tried it because i was afraid i would burn the clutch out.
16) i drive fast. i cant help it. and i go crazy if i get stuck behind someone going slow. i really think i will die in a car accident.
17) i truely believe everything happens for a reason
18) im a procrastinator. im suprised i didnt put this off longer.
19) i love to go outside and stretch and smell the air in the morning. especially when its sunny or snowing...
20) in the last few months ive become a lot more open-minded. ive done quite a few things lately that i swore i would never do...and it feels good

I find it so much easier to be behind the camera. I photograph people all the time but Hate having my picture taken. UGh
It's so rare I find a women who likes the UFC. ^_^
Check out my journal
P.S Beautiful pictures That star tattoo must have hurt like hell.
The End