Ladies & gentlemen, I need your help with my saw-related shenanigans!
Im looking to raise money to get myself on a plane over to NYC in July to be a part of the Musical Saw Festival!
Im hoping to bring a little bit of English eccentricity to the festival, so have a little watch of the video below and if youre feeling kind, why not donate something? Every little helps!
you can donate on my website using Paypal:
EDIT: To add that Ive just recorded and uploaded my version of 'Circus' by Tom Waits to bandcamp. You can buy it for a mere American dollar which will go towards my New York fund.
Download and listen here
Im looking to raise money to get myself on a plane over to NYC in July to be a part of the Musical Saw Festival!
Im hoping to bring a little bit of English eccentricity to the festival, so have a little watch of the video below and if youre feeling kind, why not donate something? Every little helps!
you can donate on my website using Paypal:
EDIT: To add that Ive just recorded and uploaded my version of 'Circus' by Tom Waits to bandcamp. You can buy it for a mere American dollar which will go towards my New York fund.
Download and listen here
