I cant BELIEVE how fucking skinny I used to be when I used to do sets for SG:
Crazy how much we change huh? Steroids for my illness I had to take (and happily, do not take anymore!) rendered me unfit to model on SG ever again! But hey, I did my time.
And whats all this 'member review/let me be a suicide girl' stuff? Do I get kicked off for thinking its silly and a bit exploitative?
Anyway, Im starting to think Im becoming half computer/half girl...Ive been sitting in bed for almost a week now, just existing on the internet, having been sick for well over a month. Ulcerative Colitis, I love you /sarc
Been busying myself with making new hats and stuff: You can keep up to date with art stuff here.
No new paintings to speak of, but Im working on some stuff for miss amanda palmer....shes an artistic heroine of mine, so Im excited about working on something for her!
Whilst in my sick bed today, I was kindly informed by my estate agent that my old landlady is going to try and charge me 120 for a cleaning bill after I moved out. Fucking cunt. After she looked around and said everything was fine too.
Is anyone out there NOT a money grabbing, lying peice of shit? Answers on a postcard.
Not much other news, watching excessive amount of the L Word despite loose lipped lesbians letting plotlines become known to me...shiny LA drama always cheers me up when Im sick, weirdly enough. Shane is my favourite. Oh yeah and Monk. Been watching a lot of that.
Anyways, the new place is awesome. I live with 5 other cool people in a big house next to a gallery...the weather is lovely and hopefully I will be better soon so as I can go outside and enjoy it.
Update soon with less stream-of-consciousness rubbish, and actual content.

Crazy how much we change huh? Steroids for my illness I had to take (and happily, do not take anymore!) rendered me unfit to model on SG ever again! But hey, I did my time.
And whats all this 'member review/let me be a suicide girl' stuff? Do I get kicked off for thinking its silly and a bit exploitative?
Anyway, Im starting to think Im becoming half computer/half girl...Ive been sitting in bed for almost a week now, just existing on the internet, having been sick for well over a month. Ulcerative Colitis, I love you /sarc
Been busying myself with making new hats and stuff: You can keep up to date with art stuff here.
No new paintings to speak of, but Im working on some stuff for miss amanda palmer....shes an artistic heroine of mine, so Im excited about working on something for her!
Whilst in my sick bed today, I was kindly informed by my estate agent that my old landlady is going to try and charge me 120 for a cleaning bill after I moved out. Fucking cunt. After she looked around and said everything was fine too.
Is anyone out there NOT a money grabbing, lying peice of shit? Answers on a postcard.
Not much other news, watching excessive amount of the L Word despite loose lipped lesbians letting plotlines become known to me...shiny LA drama always cheers me up when Im sick, weirdly enough. Shane is my favourite. Oh yeah and Monk. Been watching a lot of that.
Anyways, the new place is awesome. I live with 5 other cool people in a big house next to a gallery...the weather is lovely and hopefully I will be better soon so as I can go outside and enjoy it.
Update soon with less stream-of-consciousness rubbish, and actual content.
Hope you get better soon!
I keep meaning to see your band (saw you play a couple of years ago) play...oh well, one of these days.....
The L Word was pretty interesting seasons 1-2, then it kind of jumped the shark for me....haven't watched the rest of them...
Randomly yours,