Oh holy hell....
Today I wrote the second and third of our final exams. the early one was great, only took ten minutes, and I think I did pretty good.
the second left me bawling like a baby the minute I stepped out of the room and went for a smoke. holy fucking hell. goddamn theory. I went in feeling pretty confident about the material, but I'm a dumbas because I never study APPLYING it to situations, like the entire exam entails. I feel like an ass. I went in there and blanked, and it was almost like I suddenly couldn't understand the english language. Words literally didn't mean a thing to me, and this from someone who is a psychotically avid reader. Sigh. I suck. there goes my 4.0....
Today I wrote the second and third of our final exams. the early one was great, only took ten minutes, and I think I did pretty good.
the second left me bawling like a baby the minute I stepped out of the room and went for a smoke. holy fucking hell. goddamn theory. I went in feeling pretty confident about the material, but I'm a dumbas because I never study APPLYING it to situations, like the entire exam entails. I feel like an ass. I went in there and blanked, and it was almost like I suddenly couldn't understand the english language. Words literally didn't mean a thing to me, and this from someone who is a psychotically avid reader. Sigh. I suck. there goes my 4.0....

i just... had to get the hell out of there.