
Okay, that toilet was gross.
And I agree w/ Alpo, you are indeed very cute!

And I agree w/ Alpo, you are indeed very cute!

Well, I feel a little better, but I don't know if I can ever 'fell better'.
Just teasing!! You know how I like to tease you...
That toilet looks like the toilet in the men's room in every strip club I've ever been in. I love that fact that the toilet paper roll is almost empty too!! Well, 'love it' insofar as I wasn't there and desperate to use it.

That toilet looks like the toilet in the men's room in every strip club I've ever been in. I love that fact that the toilet paper roll is almost empty too!! Well, 'love it' insofar as I wasn't there and desperate to use it.

Holy my goodness gracious! I got so effing drunk and danced so effing mucj last night, i'm not sure i have had that much fun in my life!
I went to a CD/Video release party for a new band called Stutter. YOU MUST CHECK THIS OUT! The lead singer is so damn beautiful, I wanted to put her in my pocket and take her home...
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I went to a CD/Video release party for a new band called Stutter. YOU MUST CHECK THIS OUT! The lead singer is so damn beautiful, I wanted to put her in my pocket and take her home...
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Thanks for your constant kind words. They really mean a lot to me, even if I'm not around much these days.

holy balls! Sounds like you had yourself a wonderful time. You needed it! I hope your hangover wasn't too bad and that you are doin good. I digged that music much.


I hate Walmart - it's a big symbol of what I think is wrong with america, but whatever
Churches are OK - they tend to be architecturally interesting cuz everybody's trying to cram symbols into every nook and cranny. What goes in I tend to find not interesting (or from an analytical standpoint very interesting - yaknow the "Hmmm... why did they do THAT there" - alot of the rituals seem to be designed to fix you on the rest of the members and suck in the new ones, and exclude everybody on the outside, but that's just my view as an observer and not a real church-going person)...
The cam sounds like fun - I need to take some photography classes one of these days.

Churches are OK - they tend to be architecturally interesting cuz everybody's trying to cram symbols into every nook and cranny. What goes in I tend to find not interesting (or from an analytical standpoint very interesting - yaknow the "Hmmm... why did they do THAT there" - alot of the rituals seem to be designed to fix you on the rest of the members and suck in the new ones, and exclude everybody on the outside, but that's just my view as an observer and not a real church-going person)...
The cam sounds like fun - I need to take some photography classes one of these days.

I'm living across from a GIANT wal-mart right now.
P.S. Be my friend! Or else!
P.S. Be my friend! Or else!


Although now I'm sort of bummed that I did as little as I did in 4 months... still, vacation time is always fun.
Those are some pretty nice pictures, well done!

Although now I'm sort of bummed that I did as little as I did in 4 months... still, vacation time is always fun.
Those are some pretty nice pictures, well done!

it's as public as it gets. Join and be merry!
Exams are done, and aside from being depressed that my bestest buds Stumbleine has gone home for the summer, I've walked away from my first year of college with a few things:
- It is NOT too late to go back to school at 27
- the Sunny f-16 rule, f-stop/shutter speed rules, and medium format camera's.
- Ingrid is the best professor EVER! ("Now...
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- It is NOT too late to go back to school at 27
- the Sunny f-16 rule, f-stop/shutter speed rules, and medium format camera's.
- Ingrid is the best professor EVER! ("Now...
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i am hoping it will be cool. you know, as opposed to being really lame and not worth going. but either way, i'll be getting in free
i totally know what you mean about procrastinating with photography. i took that class in high school. i usually do things at the last minute, but that becomes more of a challenge when you have to take lighting into consideration. messed up a few assignments, but i still did ok

i totally know what you mean about procrastinating with photography. i took that class in high school. i usually do things at the last minute, but that becomes more of a challenge when you have to take lighting into consideration. messed up a few assignments, but i still did ok

Nikons rule...what ever
But the rest is right on the money. Are you going back up to the Great White North? Well not so white but...just answer the fucking question.
But the rest is right on the money. Are you going back up to the Great White North? Well not so white but...just answer the fucking question.

Two more exams today.....yerp.
I have a huge pet peeve. It's interesting to me how hypocritcal (did I even spell that right? omg I'm tired) some people are. They say one thing, do another, and it really, really pisses me off. I consider myself a decent person for the most part. I go out of my way to help people, and try to keep low...
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I have a huge pet peeve. It's interesting to me how hypocritcal (did I even spell that right? omg I'm tired) some people are. They say one thing, do another, and it really, really pisses me off. I consider myself a decent person for the most part. I go out of my way to help people, and try to keep low...
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yeah, kinda makes you sick of the world at times, doesn't it
doing what is right and finishing what you started seem to be secondary goals when compared to finding the easy way out or quitting all together. but sticking to your ideals will make you known as a responsible person and people will see you as someone who does what she says.
now if only the rest of the world could realize your mentality, we'd be better off
doing what is right and finishing what you started seem to be secondary goals when compared to finding the easy way out or quitting all together. but sticking to your ideals will make you known as a responsible person and people will see you as someone who does what she says.
now if only the rest of the world could realize your mentality, we'd be better off

Well ranted - Yes more people need to realise that taking responsibility for self actually is a good thing. We would have far more harmonious relationships in the world if some of us did not feel the need to resort to the blame game. Hugs you. Good luck with your studies.
Oh holy hell....
Today I wrote the second and third of our final exams. the early one was great, only took ten minutes, and I think I did pretty good.
the second left me bawling like a baby the minute I stepped out of the room and went for a smoke. holy fucking hell. goddamn theory. I went in feeling pretty confident about the material,...
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Today I wrote the second and third of our final exams. the early one was great, only took ten minutes, and I think I did pretty good.
the second left me bawling like a baby the minute I stepped out of the room and went for a smoke. holy fucking hell. goddamn theory. I went in feeling pretty confident about the material,...
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Ouch...here's hoping you're underestimating your ability to recover on the run. Were you able to try some stylish bullshitting at the very least?

i'm sorry hun. i should have stuck around.
i just... had to get the hell out of there.
i just... had to get the hell out of there.

I used to have a black cat just like the second one above. I had to have her put down six years ago this coming May and I still miss her but I don't think my other cat Ozzie misses her because I spoil him rotten, him being an only cat and all.

It's a perfect day in Winnipeg. Totally sunny, weather around 16 or 17, slight breeze. Thankfully, I don't have to worry about studying anymore, so I can enjoy days like this, even if I was only shopping.

I know this is on a thread on a board, but I friggin love it so much. My vampire name is:
The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity:
Guinevere Arnauld
Known in some parts of the world as:
The Great Archives Record:
Thirsty, unstoppable and vicious.
Vampire Name try it on for size
The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity:
Guinevere Arnauld
Known in some parts of the world as:
The Great Archives Record:
Thirsty, unstoppable and vicious.
Vampire Name try it on for size


The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity:
Rani of Angels
Known in some parts of the world as:
Consort of Sewer Rats
The Great Archives Record:
This one sinks low and is prosperous. Breeding many times over.
At least I am breeding...many times over!!!!!
Seems fitting since I have mice in my house right now!!!!
The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity:
Rani of Angels
Known in some parts of the world as:
Consort of Sewer Rats
The Great Archives Record:
This one sinks low and is prosperous. Breeding many times over.
At least I am breeding...many times over!!!!!

Seems fitting since I have mice in my house right now!!!!

Apparently I've gone by the identity of Baroness of Trannsylvania and I'm also know as Her of the Vrykolakas, which might suggest that I'm a transsexual from Trannsylvania. That's news to me, but who am I to disagree!!

There's no way you can be 30... you gotta be way younger than that!
Well, don't feel bad. I just hit 34 a few days ago and I'm still ok
Hope the holidays treated you well and New Years was a blast.