"hello, i my name is johnny, and i am an internet addict."
soon there will be self help books and meetings on how people need to ween themselves of being constantly online. i mean, come on now, i can get online from my laptop, phone, and psp. surprisingly enough, not my iPod yet, but everyone knows any electronic piece of equiment will soon be connected to the internet. i'm not trying to sound amish here, but i seriously need to get the fuck off line. i spent all of tonight just wandering around aimlessly online. i found a website devouted exclusivly to finding the number one song on any give day for that last 56 years. pointless (i had mariah carey for my 18th birthday and whitney houston for when i was born). all i do is be online. facebook, myspace, livejournal, gmail, devart, and right here... each a part of my life that i cannot readily go without and its all online. i should go out and hang out with friends. get some exercise. find a new job. whatever. but so long as i have the shittiest dial up connect, i'll be here.
i have no idea where this is going and i'm pretty much rambling here and taking up time.
i have to pee now.
soon there will be self help books and meetings on how people need to ween themselves of being constantly online. i mean, come on now, i can get online from my laptop, phone, and psp. surprisingly enough, not my iPod yet, but everyone knows any electronic piece of equiment will soon be connected to the internet. i'm not trying to sound amish here, but i seriously need to get the fuck off line. i spent all of tonight just wandering around aimlessly online. i found a website devouted exclusivly to finding the number one song on any give day for that last 56 years. pointless (i had mariah carey for my 18th birthday and whitney houston for when i was born). all i do is be online. facebook, myspace, livejournal, gmail, devart, and right here... each a part of my life that i cannot readily go without and its all online. i should go out and hang out with friends. get some exercise. find a new job. whatever. but so long as i have the shittiest dial up connect, i'll be here.
i have no idea where this is going and i'm pretty much rambling here and taking up time.
i have to pee now.