I'm not afraid of anyone.
Especially not my bosses.
Fuck them if they think I owe them anything more than the work they hired me to do.
I don't care if they have money, or power, or whatever. I sleep better knowing that I can walk into my boss's office and tell him to fuck off without a hint of remorse. Because whenever I do, I have a good fucking reason.
People think that authority makes them immune to the same standards that everyone else is held to. Not a fucking chance. I don't give a shit if you sign my paychecks. I can find another job. But I will damn sure tell you when you're being an ass. Maybe that will lead me to my detriment but I don't care.
I sleep better that way.
Those in power will take advantage of you because they can. Because they think you live in fear of them and their decisions. Because they hold your fate in their hands.
Fuck that. I control my own fate. You can take your powertrip and shove it up your ass.
Power and money will corrupt people. Don't let their corruption poison you, too.
Especially not my bosses.
Fuck them if they think I owe them anything more than the work they hired me to do.
I don't care if they have money, or power, or whatever. I sleep better knowing that I can walk into my boss's office and tell him to fuck off without a hint of remorse. Because whenever I do, I have a good fucking reason.
People think that authority makes them immune to the same standards that everyone else is held to. Not a fucking chance. I don't give a shit if you sign my paychecks. I can find another job. But I will damn sure tell you when you're being an ass. Maybe that will lead me to my detriment but I don't care.
I sleep better that way.
Those in power will take advantage of you because they can. Because they think you live in fear of them and their decisions. Because they hold your fate in their hands.
Fuck that. I control my own fate. You can take your powertrip and shove it up your ass.
Power and money will corrupt people. Don't let their corruption poison you, too.
Let it out sweetheart!
...also, I respect that you stand up to authority if they're fucked people! Take no shit and walk away from dead end jobs, baby! Good for you! Thats the way a real man should be.