I love new music it's so amazing! New artists from random places not many people have heard of YET are the best! My newist music
is Neight Diesel from Oklahoma and Lil Luckie they're fucking GREAT! On Diesel's myspace if you send him a messege he sends you a free dl copy of his whole new CD I think that's fabulous! Cause the songs I really ened up liking weren't on his page
BUT you should still go check it out anyway
the music really is great! It's one of the rare times when a song gets stuck in your head that you love and don't care that it's there <3<3

You're from upstate NY? Then this is definitely a piece of cake! They're saying we have a chance for snow up here tonight. I'm all for snow, but if that happens, everything will get shut down. That obviously has its good side and its bad side.
I'm glad you liked even one of the tracks I like when I feel like I helped someone new get heard even if it's only one song or even if you don't like it at all at least you gave it a chance <3 thanks!!