New set coming soon. I'm excited I really like it! I hope all you guys do too!!! It was nice to take a break off work and work and work and bills to relax and take pics! Specially since we were right near the beach and I got to play in the sun for a little bit after! <3 I love sunlight and water [that's...
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Hey, good to see that you're still around, and great to hear that you got back in front of the camera. Keep us posted, and best of luck!!
last set is beautiful. sure this will be even better
I'm totally homesick! :[
I miss my family a whole a lot back in NY
Fl is kind of driving me insane!
I have my boyfriend and he is great but other than him and MAYBE 2 friends but I'm not sure if we're there yet...
I don't know what to do
I mean if I didn't leave I wouldn't be on SG BUT at...
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I miss my family a whole a lot back in NY
Fl is kind of driving me insane!
I have my boyfriend and he is great but other than him and MAYBE 2 friends but I'm not sure if we're there yet...
I don't know what to do
I mean if I didn't leave I wouldn't be on SG BUT at...
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Hey, happy birthday to ya!!!
I know what you mean. I moved down to Savannah, GA in September. I've been missing my friends like crazy. I've been completely bored, but I know it'll eventually get better. I could always come down and chill with you guys! ..I'm always up for some travel. Especially travelling to cool new places with cute girls.
I love new music it's so amazing! New artists from random places not many people have heard of YET are the best! My newist music obsession is Neight Diesel from Oklahoma and Lil Luckie they're fucking GREAT! On Diesel's myspace if you send him a messege he sends you a free dl copy of his whole new CD I think that's fabulous! Cause the songs...
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Thanks for the link. I like the 2nd track particularly because the horn line in the background is similar to an Everlast track that I like.
You're from upstate NY? Then this is definitely a piece of cake! They're saying we have a chance for snow up here tonight. I'm all for snow, but if that happens, everything will get shut down. That obviously has its good side and its bad side.
You're from upstate NY? Then this is definitely a piece of cake! They're saying we have a chance for snow up here tonight. I'm all for snow, but if that happens, everything will get shut down. That obviously has its good side and its bad side.
Yeah it's really easy with the weather here in comparison I miss the snow a lot though! I like the cold when it's still wind totally kills me!
I'm glad you liked even one of the tracks I like when I feel like I helped someone new get heard even if it's only one song or even if you don't like it at all at least you gave it a chance <3 thanks!!
I'm glad you liked even one of the tracks I like when I feel like I helped someone new get heard even if it's only one song or even if you don't like it at all at least you gave it a chance <3 thanks!!
In The Key of Happy
Hopeful Set
OMG WOW ur soooo Beautiful!!!