New Years involved:
* sounding a large bell at a Shinto temple
* digging a car out of the snow
* digging the same car out of a different chunk of snow, farther up the same mountain
* getting whooped at Scrabble
* whooping people at Trivial Pursuit
* learning about Jesuit priests
* learning about Irish drinking songs
* listening to the awesome sound of snow falling six stories
* eating delicious spaghetti
Since New Year's, I have done little apart from watch downloaded TV shows, play video games, eat and sleep. On the 11th I'll have to go back to teaching, and that makes me a sad, sad, panda.
Anyone want to send me some stuff? I like stuff. All my friends know this, yet still is there a distinct poverty of stuff being sent to me. I'm in Japan, people. It's easy to please me. Oreos. Salt n Vinegar chips. Nerd ropes. Pictures. The list, my friends, goes on.
* sounding a large bell at a Shinto temple
* digging a car out of the snow
* digging the same car out of a different chunk of snow, farther up the same mountain
* getting whooped at Scrabble
* whooping people at Trivial Pursuit
* learning about Jesuit priests
* learning about Irish drinking songs
* listening to the awesome sound of snow falling six stories
* eating delicious spaghetti
Since New Year's, I have done little apart from watch downloaded TV shows, play video games, eat and sleep. On the 11th I'll have to go back to teaching, and that makes me a sad, sad, panda.

Anyone want to send me some stuff? I like stuff. All my friends know this, yet still is there a distinct poverty of stuff being sent to me. I'm in Japan, people. It's easy to please me. Oreos. Salt n Vinegar chips. Nerd ropes. Pictures. The list, my friends, goes on.
Sounds like a more mountainous version of what I did: not a whole heck of a lot. May your new year be better than the last, and may your enemies die swiftly at your hands.