It was obvious that I was in a certain amount of trouble.

A cool breeze had been blowing in off the coast of the little beach town I had found myself in; the sun was an hour from setting and casting its yellow and pink shadows over the horizon. The temperature was a touch above 80, and the humidity just a little sticky. All in...
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Good story,
And, nice ass. wink

Imagine that the world was once young.

Imagine that 100 million years ago, give or take the time for a lunch break, a Great Ancient Dragon Of Organic Limestone And Granite roused himself from a deep slumber and flew into the heavens, hungry for the meal of Stars, Planets, And Meteors that would sate his mighty appetite and allow him to live another 100 million...
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I'm packed! Well...kinda. Okay, not really. However, I have sold some stuff and that's a kind of progress. In a way.

10 days to go. Then I can proceed to forget the drama here and re-enter all the wonderful drama I left behind 2 years ago. Still, things change, and people can, if they have the impetus and you allow them to.

I was looking...
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Pack pack pack, all day long!
Pack pack pack, while you sing this song!
You know why I never write? Cuz' no one reads this. I should go get a livejournal or something and drop hints around my friends so I have impetus to describe my life in a series of clicks and clacks.

I'm a level 45 shaman, now.
I'm ready to leave this place where people talk too much.
I'm traveling to many foreign places on the...
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Nightmare Before Christmas.
Senorita Ballerina making a move.
Tasty ramen and sauce katsu made by old Japanese ladies.
A massage.
Being teased.
Witnessing excellent fight scenes and the birth of a modern legend.
Vanilla Creme Frapaccino.

This has been a good day.
From Japan, in just about a month, I'll return home to Portland. In an effort to become a more fulfilled and complete person, however, I'll be stopping in the following places on the way:

Vietnam, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, India, Turkey, Italy, Spain, New York (a country in it's own right)

Feel free to tag along.

On a different note, a person who doesn't appreciate country...
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Oh man.
I went to the States and gained 12 pounds of lard.
All I did was eat eat eat. And eat s'more.
I can barely fit in my skirts anymore...on the other hand, my butt is more rounded. Hmm...
I've decided to stop using the JET program as a stalling device and get on with my life. Something about a continuing education and an actual career prompts me. Four feet of snow and wicked cold helps make the decision rational. Mexicans aren't built for all this. Samuidesuyo.

If you love someone, but they rarely put forth the effort to keep in touch or show...
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Uwajimaya seems to have Pocari Sweat only every other time I go there. This vexes me greatly.
New Years involved:
* sounding a large bell at a Shinto temple
* digging a car out of the snow
* digging the same car out of a different chunk of snow, farther up the same mountain
* getting whooped at Scrabble
* whooping people at Trivial Pursuit
* learning about Jesuit priests
* learning about Irish drinking songs
* listening to the awesome sound...
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Sounds like a more mountainous version of what I did: not a whole heck of a lot. May your new year be better than the last, and may your enemies die swiftly at your hands.
Watched Initial D: it was okay.

School is out; closing ceremony has come and gone. Now I have to find a way to keep myself occupied until Jan 11th. Hmm.

Needs more Halo.
Depeche Mode is the Boss Of You! All of you! Ha ha!

Anyway, today was great because I got out of work at 2 to go spend someone else's money. I think, in total, I spent around $500.

Nothing like shopping with an institution's monies.

In other news, I think I've gone on two accidental dates in as many days. It may seem a strange...
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I'd love to. Unfortunately, tickets cost monies. No monies=no tickets. No tickets=getting thrown out of a blimp by Indiana Jones.

[Edited on Dec 17, 2004 5:43PM]
I know I haven't updated in awhile, but it's all the fault of a boring life. You might think a constant stream of Japanese schoolgirls would never get old, but...

Anyway, there are like, what? Four people out there that read this little blog? Thank you for your devotion, and I'm sorry I haven't any pictures of my students for you to drool over.

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no need to say more....halo 2 and Half-life 2 have dominated the majority of all free time.

but if i was where you are id just squeal and shop until i died

Eh. Things are ugly right now. I don't feel like I have anyone to lean on, and I think she's trying really hard to justify ditching me. Sounds kind of pathological, but whatever. I'm okay, aside from feeling really alone for the first time in a long time.

What's your Gamertag? I'm Cpt Comedy, predictably. I've also founded a clan called Griffin Syndic. I'd love to have you on board.