I am claiming the roll as domestic goddess (minus make up and high heels) for this week. All week this house has been kept spic and span, dinner on the table when the hubby gets home (rib eye on Monday, today it's baked ziti and homemade bread) kept the kiddo entertained, and maintained my sanity
I am super stoked because I'm FINALLY joining the 21st century with a webcam! Really excited about this because my best friend, who lives in Florida, told me she has skype and...well, so do I with no cam (lame) so I talked the hubby into letting me get a cheap one so I can skype with her. It's been over a year since I've seen her and it makes me super sad
But, now I'm excited.
Other than this...life is boring lol I am sorry I know I keep promising new sets but, I've been so busy. I will try to get one up this week or next. How's the week going all?

I am super stoked because I'm FINALLY joining the 21st century with a webcam! Really excited about this because my best friend, who lives in Florida, told me she has skype and...well, so do I with no cam (lame) so I talked the hubby into letting me get a cheap one so I can skype with her. It's been over a year since I've seen her and it makes me super sad

Other than this...life is boring lol I am sorry I know I keep promising new sets but, I've been so busy. I will try to get one up this week or next. How's the week going all?

My wife has a terrible time keeping our house tidy, what with all the cat hairs and dog hairs...
That's great that you've got a webcam, it'll do you good to see your friend on Skype, especially since you haven't seen her in a year.
I can sympathise with life being dull, and there's no great rush for more sets, life gets in the way sometimes. Don't let people rush you into making more sets, make them when you've got the time and when you want to make them.
After all, you can't rush art...