Hello all my SG lovelies! I hope your weekend was good and that you had a good Memorial Day. Mine was filled with severe thunderstorms and tornado warnings....lights flickering, the whole bit. For a while my daughter and I were cooped up in the bathroom...partially because I was freaked out and partially because the weather dude said to take shelter now..... That being said we survived with no damage done...except the flooding infront of the house which caused tidal waves into our yard when people drove pass.
I've been doing a lot of creatives stuff lately. I started a new book and got kind of depressed that I still have one book that is sitting unfinished. I want to finish it but, every time I bring up the doc to work on it...it just feels like work...and it shouldn't. So, I just read through what I already wrote, correct some minor grammatical errors, add some more description and move on. ha ha. The new book is still fun, although difficult at the same time as the subject matter is sensitive and I want to make it as realistic as possible even though it's semi-futuristic. Ah, well...I'm enjoying it. I wish I could write for a living. I've been looking for some freelance writing jobs and applying. We'll see what happens.
I've also been expanding into artwork. Now, that being said, I'm no artist ha ha. But, I am enjoying sketching and painting and what not. Being creative, no matter the outcome gives a sense of freedom that can't be compared to anything else.
Well, I'm headed to bed. Hope you're all doing well and that I'll soon be putting up a new set
Love Always,
I've been doing a lot of creatives stuff lately. I started a new book and got kind of depressed that I still have one book that is sitting unfinished. I want to finish it but, every time I bring up the doc to work on it...it just feels like work...and it shouldn't. So, I just read through what I already wrote, correct some minor grammatical errors, add some more description and move on. ha ha. The new book is still fun, although difficult at the same time as the subject matter is sensitive and I want to make it as realistic as possible even though it's semi-futuristic. Ah, well...I'm enjoying it. I wish I could write for a living. I've been looking for some freelance writing jobs and applying. We'll see what happens.
I've also been expanding into artwork. Now, that being said, I'm no artist ha ha. But, I am enjoying sketching and painting and what not. Being creative, no matter the outcome gives a sense of freedom that can't be compared to anything else.
Well, I'm headed to bed. Hope you're all doing well and that I'll soon be putting up a new set

Love Always,
From one (semi)creative person to another, never try and force the creative process. Walk away from the first book for however long you need to, it'll still be there when you get back. If you force it, it won't work.
YAY for new sets!