I am BEYOND pissed off.
My "band" didn't learn their parts for songs that were supposed to be learned LAST week. ALSO, I found out the drummer's story about his mom was bullshit....and that he just "didnt feel like it". REALLY DUDE?! You just didnt feel like it? My family is working on one income and it takes a half tank of gas for me to get to practice and I'm on time.....and get my shit done and you DIDNT FEEL LIKE IT?! FUCK THAT!
So, I've pretty much decided to quit this band and take all my equipment. Which sucks because this group of guys is really talented but, I just cant handle the attitudes. Besides....we've been playing together since November and don't have enough music to play a 3-4 hour show. LACK of DEDICATION.
I'm done. Fuck 'em.
I'll be a free agent. This does however free up time for me to continue working on my novel. Sorry for venting.
Love to you all!

My "band" didn't learn their parts for songs that were supposed to be learned LAST week. ALSO, I found out the drummer's story about his mom was bullshit....and that he just "didnt feel like it". REALLY DUDE?! You just didnt feel like it? My family is working on one income and it takes a half tank of gas for me to get to practice and I'm on time.....and get my shit done and you DIDNT FEEL LIKE IT?! FUCK THAT!
So, I've pretty much decided to quit this band and take all my equipment. Which sucks because this group of guys is really talented but, I just cant handle the attitudes. Besides....we've been playing together since November and don't have enough music to play a 3-4 hour show. LACK of DEDICATION.
I'm done. Fuck 'em.
I'll be a free agent. This does however free up time for me to continue working on my novel. Sorry for venting.
Love to you all!

hmmm whats the novel about ?
Love, the chasing of it, detrimental effects of co-dependency, domestic violence, sexuality....a lot ha ha