Ain't love grand? Well...I would like to tell you....sometimes it is and sometimes it's a fucked up mess that makes you want to run screaming for the hills. ha ha. These last few weeks have been some of the most trying times in my life....and I do want to thank each and every single one of my SG friends for listening and helping out. I know you're not here to listen to me whine about life, but I appreciate all of your messages, comments, and sweet sentiments. They mean a lot to me.
Band practice went AWESOME today. I feel like a dick though....because I found out what happened to my drummer last Tuesday. His folks were fighting and he was getting ready to walk out the door...then, his dad hit is mom and bolted out the door. He didn't want to just leave his mom and didn't think about texting/calling us to let us know what was going on. While I'm still upset about the last 2 weeks of him being late/not showing up, I really can't blame him for staying with his mom. Shows good character on his part, although he could said something at some point throughout the week.
Anywho....I got some grocery shopping done and I'm about to make a BOMBASS dinner. How's everyone's weekend been!!!!!!
Much Love,