Yesterday I made a new skirt for my next Bal du Masque outfit
. We took a walk at night in the park while it was raining like shit and there was thunder, that's what I love! And somebody from the organisation found us a hotel in Bolkow, so we can go to the Castle Party, yeah!
Today we are going to relax, and tomorrow I am going back to Utrecht because I have a photoshoot in Bodegraven on saturday, and on sunday: Kip!
EDIT 1: Frank and I ate pancakes in the centre of Amsterdam, wow, those were great! We found a book about cemetaries in Prague, and guess what: we are going to Prague in the end of July!
I finally bought some dummies to sketch in, I used lined paper for way too long. And tomorrow I think Frank and I will do a little shoot in the centre with some of my new clothes. I'll update when I have the pics.
And my new SHOES have arrived in the mail! They don't fit perfectly but are not too big, so I am happy. And I think they look so cool: 90's black trainers

Today we are going to relax, and tomorrow I am going back to Utrecht because I have a photoshoot in Bodegraven on saturday, and on sunday: Kip!
EDIT 1: Frank and I ate pancakes in the centre of Amsterdam, wow, those were great! We found a book about cemetaries in Prague, and guess what: we are going to Prague in the end of July!
I finally bought some dummies to sketch in, I used lined paper for way too long. And tomorrow I think Frank and I will do a little shoot in the centre with some of my new clothes. I'll update when I have the pics.
And my new SHOES have arrived in the mail! They don't fit perfectly but are not too big, so I am happy. And I think they look so cool: 90's black trainers

ik heb een digi camera, zal gauw vandaag wat batterijen scoren ervoor
ik heb een klein naaikoffertje ( mn moeder vond dat ik er een moest hebben hoewel ze weet dat ik voor dat soort dingen mn kleding toch bij haar dump om te fixen
niet echt pailletjes ofzo, maar ik zal ook even kijken of ik frutsels kan vinden