This has always been a big subject of topic because there are so many different opinions on what people believe that strength really is. The truth is that there is no right answer and definition. Strength comes from within a person when they over come a very difficult obstacle or obstacles in their life. It can be the journey through sobriety, becoming the best parent that you can for your child/children when the odds are against you because of money or place of living, achieving the highest education that the soul is hungry for, over coming all the negative comments and feedback towards the persons career in modeling and the list can go on. I have over come so many odds that have been brought to my table and still continue to and that makes me stronger than life.
I know that every human is possible of being stronger then they can ever imagine and over come every rock that proceeds to be on their road ahead. I want every one who reads this to know that they are loved as a creature of the universe and are able to obtain an infinite amount of strength because we are all born strong and they key to obtaining that strength is to believe in oneself <3
Kisses <3