Hey everyone, how's it going?
Just wanted to let everyone know that I have deleted my Instagram (just in case you see me on there or anything its not me) I may get one again in the future but I'll let y'all know if so.
I'm just not a social media person and I've never really enjoyed it. Also this means I can focus more on the sg site which I actually enjoy posting to! Maybe start doing more blogs and blog homework (I'm terrible at sharing 🙄 but I'm learning ) social media is deffo good for some people but its really not for me, I find the likes of insta/facebook/twitter stressful and never really know what to post (I don't have much content at the moment and my everyday life is really not that interesting lol) also I'm really lazy haha.
I love the sg community so here is where ill stay! Can't wait to be getting on with some new shoots for you in the new year!
*hugs !
@rambo @missy