Iv been loving The Outer Worlds (ps4) at the moment!! Its been filling a fallout shaped hole in my heart haha. its pretty much new vegas but in space! β€
Now can i just have a remastered fallout New Vegas!!! Pls and thankyou. Whos with me?!
Anyone else been playing outerworlds??
@rambo @missy
@bane1974 yea its made by obsidian! They did so well with new vegas!! β€ @kungfury that is so true!! I didnt bother with 76 and im glad i didnt! What a mess it was! I was expecting so much after f4 (which was amazing) too!! Im proper looking forward to doom eternal! The first new one was soooo good makes me so hyped haha.Β In reality I dont think they will do remastered new vegas either, i can hope tho haha.Β X
@kat_lady Yeah don't, 76 is awful lol. Yeah stick to 4. Yeah I did loved the last Doom, so awesome. Hope Doom Eternal is good. Bethesda just need to get their heads out their asses and be great again. Yeah nothing wrong on hoping for that, it was brilliant. Still remains my favourite Fallout game!!