@niallpatterson tagged me so here we go....
1) Introduce yourself:
Hey, im kat. I currently work in retail 😫 however i aim to be an APT (anatomical pathology technician) and im working my way towards that. I live in Newcastle in North East England.
2) Now that we've met, tell us about one hobby that really interests you:
Taxidermy, preserved human and animal specimans and anatomical art. Also crime/murderer related memorabilia.
3) Switching topics; Space travel or time travel?
I want both! But if i have to choose id go with space travel! I want to see whats out there!!
4) You're obviously making men/women swoon everywhere you go, but tell us what your true power is to winning over a lover (or fans)?
😂 am i?!
5) What turns you on about your current partner or would flip the love switch on if you were looking?
Jason Momoa in The Bad Batch? 😍
6) So, are you looking for a partner?
7) We're going to go Salt-N-Pepa here, so let's talk about sex, baby. Are you a wild child or more traditionally romantic?
Bit of both and depending on the situation!
8) Tacos or pizza?
Deffo pizza!
9) Beer or wine?
Beeeeeeeeeeeeer all the way!
10) Breakfast for dinner or dinner for breakfast?
Breakfast foods are the best so breakfast for dinner!
11) Sex playlist: Marvin Gaye or Lil Wayne (genre, not necessarily either mentioned artist)?
Whatever is on when the mood takes? Haha
12) Slow dance or twerk?
Any kind of dance once iv had a drink!!! My moves are probs dangerous and not the cool kind of dangerous 😂
13) How often do you find yourself smiling each day?
Not a lot.
14) Tell us about a not so hidden talent (ex: singing, dancing, grafitti art, looking amazing, etc):
Does rolling wicked doobs count?
15) It's karaoke night. What's your go to song?
Everything and anything! Name a song and ill belt it out for you!! I love karaoke!
16) Favorite color combination:
Ummm whatever im feeling at the time 🤷 At the moment im gonna say 80s style brights!!
17) Name a photographer (on SG) that is on point this year and only making their way up.
Its hard to pick one! I mean iv worked with three in total but i still cant choose!! So lots and lots of props to @niallpatterson @gemmaedwardsuk and @valo who are all so lovely, professional and create amazing images!! ❤❤❤
18) Close your eyes and name the first model that comes into view:
@riae comes to mind. Shes always been a favourite of mine 🤷
19) Worst scar (emotional or physical) if it's not too upsetting to discuss?
20) Favorite tattoo of yours?
Has to be my Alien v Predator tattoo on my back.
21) You are an inspiration to members, models, and photographers alike. You give more to your community than you realize. What is one thing you would say to someone that aspires to reach as high as you in their life?
These questions assume i have a lot going on haha. But really my advice just to anyone would be the usual try to do what makes you happy. Read plenty books about everything. Smoke weed and be a badass. 🤷 im not the best person to take advice from haha.
22) Biggest weakness?
23) Biggest strength?
24) Soft or bruised lips? Are you a gentle kisser or intsensely passionate enough to draw a little blood?
Again both are good! Depending on the situation 😉
25) Tag at least 5 people you think should take this questionnaire
I cant remember who has already been tagged so sorry if you have already or just generally hate these things haha.
@babysnake @chroi @chalk @paigerose @soraiya
@missy @rambo