Hello, babies, I want to share that I am very happy because I have met INCREDIBLE girls thanks to suicide girls, it really is what I like the most about the page, they are all beautiful inside and out, I have taken a great love to them. I have spent horrible days because of this terrible pandemic situation, but these girls have made me the happiest days, this week we did a #Monsterhighchallenge, some could not do it since they were very busy, but even so we are always talking and making our lives prettier. They were ALL beautiful and clear, monstrous. I share a little of my happiness and I thank these girls and know that I love you, chulas.
@ralit @anne_ @amaiiran @skandalous @charlieyeux @fenixparadise @pequitashsgrl @gitanna @melusine2908 @mataro @moreena @wolf @allinnedark @babyaalienn @nurmi @SUE