today is a bad day,first it snowed 15 inches ,then my flight to brazil was cancelled , and last but not least a dumbass neighbor.
my neighbor has the balls to put a mountain(literally a mountain) of snow in front of my car.considering that i'm only 4'11 and already walking in snow that is half my height it doesn't help to put snow that is more than a foot higher than me by my car. i'm outside and he's still shoveling snow in front of my car,so i walk over to him and ask him to move his snow and put it into the street. he says " i didn't know this is your car." this guy must have been born yesterday,cuz he has known that this has been my car,my parking spot since the day he's moved next to me; to make it worse his buddie parks in front of my car blocking me in ,so i just dumped the snow on the side of his car. now i've spent almost two hours outside freezing and struggling to shovel out my car. i'm sooo tired and my lower back kind of aches.

If I was there, I'd make you hot chocolate and shovel all that evil white stuff away for you!