hey all i know its been a long ass time. ive just been hella busy goin thru shit. but things r kinda lookin up. I finallyt got a job and tryin to save up for my wedding. ill b tryin to put up another set. hope you all are looking forward to it. i tried putting up my juggalette set up but they wouldnt let me bc its gang related.. wow that piussed me off bc its so not. but anyways. i miss u all and miss all ur love. so leave me some so i know u all still care. ill try and keep u guys up dated now. mwa.. talk to u all later. much love.
More Blogs
Monday May 24, 2010
My set went up lastnite and is still up rite nw. I'm not to happy wit… -
Saturday May 22, 2010
So my week has been pretty boring. just tryin to still get a job n do… -
Wednesday May 19, 2010
So its like 7 now n I've been up for an hour. I'm about to eat n go b… -
Friday May 14, 2010
So it was nice day today. Very very hot though. So playd lego batman … -
Thursday May 13, 2010
Hey all. So the last couple of days have been bored but yet u all hav… -
Monday May 10, 2010
So today was a new day and the end of all the birthday partying. Did … -
Sunday May 09, 2010
The reason I want to become a suicide girl is because when I was litt…
i can't believe some states put juggalos in the same category as
Bloods or Crips or MS13. some ICP fans do take the fan thing a
little too far though.