Hello peoples,
Contrary to popular belief, I'm not dead, although I have been sick with a kidney infection and food poisoning recently (ick), but now I'm feeling much better. I had a pretty awesome christmas, even though my kayaking trip was made hell by the fact that it was so cold that my boat was full of snow, my spraydeck kept freezing solid and my paddles got covered in sheet ice every time I put them down. It was cool to see my family as they were being a lot less dysfunctional than normal; my parents have got back together after a separation that was making both of them miserable and my brother has finally found a job after dropping out of his plumbing apprenticeship months ago.
Switzerland was fantastic until I got the kidney infection. We had a fondue with one of the bloke's oldest and closest friends and his English girlfriend, I tried skiing for the first time and his family cooked/bought us great dinners and were lovely to me. I also got to see the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life. One day we decided to take the little railway up the Gurten, which is just outside Bern. When we got up there everything was coated in frost like stiff glittering fur which I found incredible, but Jev was disappointed that it was too misty to see the city below. Then we decided to climb the huge metal tower at the top, and when we reached the viewing platform, we realized that we were above the mist, which was stained pink and orange by the setting sun and encircled by the white peaks of the Alpes and the Jura. In some places the tops of trees poked through like islands. I'm not articulate enought to describe the view to you, but I can tell you that we were both rendered almost speechless for the longest time until the sun finally set and the mist rose, and a Swiss man broke our revery by babbling some inane crap about Prince Harry.
And now for something completely different: a list of things I'm looking forward to in 2006:
1) My new courses at university. I'm a huge geek so I'm actually excited about my History of Ancient Thought and Ethics lectures.
2) The white water safety and rescue course I'm doing soon, which will involve a lot of swimming down the River Dart and throwing lines at people. Should also include lots of camping fun and beers.
3) All the time I'm going to be spending with Jev.
4) The house i'm living in next academic year with some awesome people. The best thing about it is that I'll be allowed pets so, even though i move around too much to have a cat, I'll be able to get some little birds, probably Zebra Finches.
5) Summer! (Which might involve a trip to Croatia for a film festival.)
6) Parties, including the one I'm throwing in a couple of weeks, which has the coolest fancy dress theme ever, if i do say so myself.
That's all I can think of at the moment, but I'm feeling really optimistic about this year, even though it started with me being ill. In more recent news I've been a busy little bee, organizing canoe club socials, celebrating two friends' 21st birthdays, cooking a big haggis dinner for Burns Night, having 15 people round at mine for Sunday roast (which I didn't have to cook, hehe), starting new courses and showing huge groups of people round my house.
I hope everyone's feeling as happy as I am, and promise to wiggle my toes at anyone who isn't until they giggle like small children. (Seriously, my toes are awesome)
Life is good.
Contrary to popular belief, I'm not dead, although I have been sick with a kidney infection and food poisoning recently (ick), but now I'm feeling much better. I had a pretty awesome christmas, even though my kayaking trip was made hell by the fact that it was so cold that my boat was full of snow, my spraydeck kept freezing solid and my paddles got covered in sheet ice every time I put them down. It was cool to see my family as they were being a lot less dysfunctional than normal; my parents have got back together after a separation that was making both of them miserable and my brother has finally found a job after dropping out of his plumbing apprenticeship months ago.
Switzerland was fantastic until I got the kidney infection. We had a fondue with one of the bloke's oldest and closest friends and his English girlfriend, I tried skiing for the first time and his family cooked/bought us great dinners and were lovely to me. I also got to see the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life. One day we decided to take the little railway up the Gurten, which is just outside Bern. When we got up there everything was coated in frost like stiff glittering fur which I found incredible, but Jev was disappointed that it was too misty to see the city below. Then we decided to climb the huge metal tower at the top, and when we reached the viewing platform, we realized that we were above the mist, which was stained pink and orange by the setting sun and encircled by the white peaks of the Alpes and the Jura. In some places the tops of trees poked through like islands. I'm not articulate enought to describe the view to you, but I can tell you that we were both rendered almost speechless for the longest time until the sun finally set and the mist rose, and a Swiss man broke our revery by babbling some inane crap about Prince Harry.
And now for something completely different: a list of things I'm looking forward to in 2006:
1) My new courses at university. I'm a huge geek so I'm actually excited about my History of Ancient Thought and Ethics lectures.
2) The white water safety and rescue course I'm doing soon, which will involve a lot of swimming down the River Dart and throwing lines at people. Should also include lots of camping fun and beers.
3) All the time I'm going to be spending with Jev.
4) The house i'm living in next academic year with some awesome people. The best thing about it is that I'll be allowed pets so, even though i move around too much to have a cat, I'll be able to get some little birds, probably Zebra Finches.
5) Summer! (Which might involve a trip to Croatia for a film festival.)
6) Parties, including the one I'm throwing in a couple of weeks, which has the coolest fancy dress theme ever, if i do say so myself.
That's all I can think of at the moment, but I'm feeling really optimistic about this year, even though it started with me being ill. In more recent news I've been a busy little bee, organizing canoe club socials, celebrating two friends' 21st birthdays, cooking a big haggis dinner for Burns Night, having 15 people round at mine for Sunday roast (which I didn't have to cook, hehe), starting new courses and showing huge groups of people round my house.
I hope everyone's feeling as happy as I am, and promise to wiggle my toes at anyone who isn't until they giggle like small children. (Seriously, my toes are awesome)
Life is good.
Yr trip sounds wicked, excluding illness! Hope the year's as good as you think it will be.
what theme's tha party then???