I wanted to take a moment and truly express my appreciation at the kindness and community expressed by the numerous models on this site! I never thought much of my random sketching and paintings. It is because of the kind comments and support from all the muses on here that I have started to grow as an artist and experiment with different styles and formats.
For that, I thank you beyond any word can express.
Especially, @jessaskittles @inadequatedreamer, @mailinya, @fate, @butterflyandmarishka, and many others whom have given there comments and support over the years.
What you do is amazing, you deserve all the love for it 🖤🖤
@kaskelot Thank YOU for taking the time and creating beautiful artwork of all these ladies! I know I appreciate your support and taking the time to create beautiful artwork where I and many girls on here are your inspiration! It means a lot!