2)burning fuel reduces overall weight of truck, thus the feather doesn't 'tip' the scales.
3)either fill the 5 and dump into the 3, leaving two in the 5. then dump the 3 and fill with the remaining two from the 5. then fill the the 5 up and pour from the 5 again into the 3 to cap it off (two + one = three) leaving four in the 5(five - one = four).
fill the 3 and pour into the 5, fill the 3 again and fill up the 5, leaving one in the 3. dump the 5. pour the one from the 3 into the 5...can we see this?... fill the 3 and pour into the 5. (three plus one equals FOUR!!!)
1) if you were in a completly dark room, cannot bring light into room, you must have a matching pair of socks, and there are 10 white and 10 black socks in a drawer, how many socks do you remove to insure you have just one pair of matching socks?
2) you drive upto a bridge that says its max weight is 3 tons, and you are on a scale that says you weigh exactly 3 tons just before you drive onto the bridge. bout half way across a bird flys overhead and a feather from the bird falls into your truck, how come the bridge does not collapse?
3) you have to get exactly 4 gallons of water. YOu have a 3 gallons and a 5 gallon containors but they have no markings. how do you get exactly 4 gallons?
Answers that try to skirt the premise of these questions will be wrong.
2)burning fuel reduces overall weight of truck, thus the feather doesn't 'tip' the scales.
3)either fill the 5 and dump into the 3, leaving two in the 5. then dump the 3 and fill with the remaining two from the 5. then fill the the 5 up and pour from the 5 again into the 3 to cap it off (two + one = three) leaving four in the 5(five - one = four).
fill the 3 and pour into the 5, fill the 3 again and fill up the 5, leaving one in the 3. dump the 5. pour the one from the 3 into the 5...can we see this?... fill the 3 and pour into the 5. (three plus one equals FOUR!!!)
1) if you were in a completly dark room, cannot bring light into room, you must have a matching pair of socks, and there are 10 white and 10 black socks in a drawer, how many socks do you remove to insure you have just one pair of matching socks?
2) you drive upto a bridge that says its max weight is 3 tons, and you are on a scale that says you weigh exactly 3 tons just before you drive onto the bridge. bout half way across a bird flys overhead and a feather from the bird falls into your truck, how come the bridge does not collapse?
3) you have to get exactly 4 gallons of water. YOu have a 3 gallons and a 5 gallon containors but they have no markings. how do you get exactly 4 gallons?
Answers that try to skirt the premise of these questions will be wrong.
i LOVE the jeans! thank you! you know, i'd like to get into your pair of levis haha.. thank you again!