I just went online to watch the vid for "We Are All On Drugs" by WEEZER (whom I looove...Esp. Rivers, who is probably the most gorgeous guy in the history of forever...but i digress
). I went to AOL music, and guess what?!! THEY TOTALLY FUCKING CENSORED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's called "We Are All In Love" on their site!!! WTF?!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is the gayest thing EVER!!!! IT DOESN'T EVEN MAKE SENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Check it out and see for yourself: We Are NOT All In Love, You Sick AOL Bastards!!
All of the censorship that's been going around lately is absolutely MADDENING!!!!!!!!! ARRRRRRRGH!!! How dare they fuck up my future husband's (tee hee!!) beautiful song!!
I swear to God, I feel like I don't even live in America anymore b/c of all this shit..I am going to fight this...Someway, somehow...I CANNOT just sit back and let shit like this happen!!!!
Gotta go to an audition now, but I'm sure I'll be back to rant and bitch some more later!! Let's juat hope it's still legal to blog freely by the time I get home tonight!! :p ::hugs!!::
THIS JUST IN: Holy kalamari, Batman!!! I just found out they have located AND PHOTOGRAPHED a really real AND STILL LIVING giant squid!!!!! Check it out:
Isn't it the most beautiful thing EVER?!!! I'm so freakin' excited!! I looooooooooove diving, and I would looooooooove to come across this fucker someday!! COOLEST UNDERSEA DISCOVERY EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(read more here Giant Squids Kick Total Ass!! if you care about this sort of thing...And if ya don't, then ***phfffft!!!*** to you!!
We now return you to our regularly scheduled journal entry, already in progress.
OK...First things first:
1.) You guys are pure awesomeness...have I mentioned that lately?
2.) The FMA where Al brings home the stray baby kitty cat is on right now...Awwwwwwww...I love him!!
3.) If you eat nothing but Powerbars and the occasional piece of fruit for a week you end up w/wicked, horrible, crippling gas!! Sooooooooo don't recommend it!!
(hot, eh? esp. considering my current profile pic...Creates an AWESOME visual, does it not? Hehe...
4.) About the "Desperate Housewives" dude: First off, thanks for the advice...However, let me teach ya a quick lesson about asshole guys: They soooooooooooo don't care if you claim to have a BF, or if your granny's in town, if you've got "a crazy, hectic schedule", or even if you're a lesbian (uhh..."Can I watch"? Oy.:whatever
...Oh, and FYI: You have to choose either the bf OR the lesbian excuse...For whatever reason, using both comes across as uber-fake (tee hee!!
Anyway, I am sooooooooo used to coming up w/a trajillion excuses to try to "politely" turn down idiot guys who think they're someone special and that every girl in LA wants to fuck them b/c they have $$/power/whatever...But, the sitch w/this dude was a bit unique b/c it is COMPLETELY b/c of him that I was hired...He ran into me at the freakin' grocery store and asked me to come in for the part...He walked past me while some other dude was talking to me about my films (the dude actually recognized me from something I did that aired on IFC recently...Oh yay.
) The DH dude overheard that I was an actress, and told me I was "exactly what they needed for (this part)" Um..yeah, dude...I'm soooo sure there's something super duper special about me bumming it up at the grocery store that NO OTHER actress in all of LA could POSSIBLY re-create!!
) I figured he was FOS, but I looked into it, and it turns out he was legit...Go figure. ::shrug::
Anyway, long story short (too late!!
), he completely hired me (he had his mind made up b/f I even read, though...I'm pretty sure I could've been illiterate and still have gotten this gig...SUSSSS-PIIIIII-CIOOOOOUS!!!
). He helped me through some legal shit that would've prevented me from being able to take the job...invited me to a "business meeting" so I could meet other "assholes w/power" (my quote there, not his!!
)...calls/emails me CONSTANTLY to see if I "need anything" ("You just got to town and don't know anybody...If you need anything...Absolutely anything at all, just let me know...Oh, and how's your son doing in school? How are your driving lessons going?" blah, blah, blah...etc., etc., etc...Talking about shit that has NOTHING to do w/work, and then telling me how "nice guys like (him) are hard to come by in this town"). On the surface, this stuff really could just seem like he wanted to be nice, right? (at least to little ol' "I want to believe everybody is nice and legitimately trying to help others out of the pure goodness of their heart" me
) But, it feels kinda creepy...I keep trying to be courteous, yet make it clear that I am soooo uninterested, but like I said, he gets pushier and pushier...Esp. now that I've "officially" been given the job...Dammit. People are sucky losers sometimes. And the kicker to me, is: This is just a freakin' tiny-ass part on stupid-ass Desperate Housewives...It's so NOT this big a deal!! Oy. I just want to work. I HATE HATE HATE this part of it all...(whine whine whine whine whine
Anyhoo...So far so good...I'll let you know if anything new develops...But, hopefully, all will work out, and you'll be able to see me getting freaky w/"The Gardner" soon (whoever the fuck "The Gardner" is!! I've never watched that stupid show in my life!! And I'm QUITE proud of that, thank you very much!!
One more quick thing: I feel kinda bad painting this dude out to be a creep...For all I know, he could have friends/colleagues/whatever on here and I could get him into trouble or something...Just to be clear, I am sooooooooo not calling him a "bad person" or anything...He's not doing anything that a bajillion other dudes w/casting power don't do every freakin' day...It's "how the biz works" (at least that's what I've been told 50,556, 721 times!!! lol!!)...I'm just venting my frustrations re. the entire process, and in no way making moral judgements about anyone involved in the production of (the crapilicious) Desperate Housewives. (My lawyer made me say that.
JK!! I just feel bad talking negatively about people in a public forum, so I wanted to clarify my bloggage.
It is sooooooo sleepy time now...I hope everyone is having the most amazing week ever, and thanks again for being so badassical!! You guys kick ass!! ::hugs!!::
I just went online to watch the vid for "We Are All On Drugs" by WEEZER (whom I looove...Esp. Rivers, who is probably the most gorgeous guy in the history of forever...but i digress
All of the censorship that's been going around lately is absolutely MADDENING!!!!!!!!! ARRRRRRRGH!!! How dare they fuck up my future husband's (tee hee!!) beautiful song!!
I swear to God, I feel like I don't even live in America anymore b/c of all this shit..I am going to fight this...Someway, somehow...I CANNOT just sit back and let shit like this happen!!!!
Gotta go to an audition now, but I'm sure I'll be back to rant and bitch some more later!! Let's juat hope it's still legal to blog freely by the time I get home tonight!! :p ::hugs!!::
THIS JUST IN: Holy kalamari, Batman!!! I just found out they have located AND PHOTOGRAPHED a really real AND STILL LIVING giant squid!!!!! Check it out:
Isn't it the most beautiful thing EVER?!!! I'm so freakin' excited!! I looooooooooove diving, and I would looooooooove to come across this fucker someday!! COOLEST UNDERSEA DISCOVERY EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(read more here Giant Squids Kick Total Ass!! if you care about this sort of thing...And if ya don't, then ***phfffft!!!*** to you!!
We now return you to our regularly scheduled journal entry, already in progress.
OK...First things first:
1.) You guys are pure awesomeness...have I mentioned that lately?
2.) The FMA where Al brings home the stray baby kitty cat is on right now...Awwwwwwww...I love him!!
3.) If you eat nothing but Powerbars and the occasional piece of fruit for a week you end up w/wicked, horrible, crippling gas!! Sooooooooo don't recommend it!!
(hot, eh? esp. considering my current profile pic...Creates an AWESOME visual, does it not? Hehe...
4.) About the "Desperate Housewives" dude: First off, thanks for the advice...However, let me teach ya a quick lesson about asshole guys: They soooooooooooo don't care if you claim to have a BF, or if your granny's in town, if you've got "a crazy, hectic schedule", or even if you're a lesbian (uhh..."Can I watch"? Oy.:whatever
Anyway, I am sooooooooo used to coming up w/a trajillion excuses to try to "politely" turn down idiot guys who think they're someone special and that every girl in LA wants to fuck them b/c they have $$/power/whatever...But, the sitch w/this dude was a bit unique b/c it is COMPLETELY b/c of him that I was hired...He ran into me at the freakin' grocery store and asked me to come in for the part...He walked past me while some other dude was talking to me about my films (the dude actually recognized me from something I did that aired on IFC recently...Oh yay.
Anyway, long story short (too late!!
Anyhoo...So far so good...I'll let you know if anything new develops...But, hopefully, all will work out, and you'll be able to see me getting freaky w/"The Gardner" soon (whoever the fuck "The Gardner" is!! I've never watched that stupid show in my life!! And I'm QUITE proud of that, thank you very much!!
One more quick thing: I feel kinda bad painting this dude out to be a creep...For all I know, he could have friends/colleagues/whatever on here and I could get him into trouble or something...Just to be clear, I am sooooooooo not calling him a "bad person" or anything...He's not doing anything that a bajillion other dudes w/casting power don't do every freakin' day...It's "how the biz works" (at least that's what I've been told 50,556, 721 times!!! lol!!)...I'm just venting my frustrations re. the entire process, and in no way making moral judgements about anyone involved in the production of (the crapilicious) Desperate Housewives. (My lawyer made me say that.
It is sooooooo sleepy time now...I hope everyone is having the most amazing week ever, and thanks again for being so badassical!! You guys kick ass!! ::hugs!!::
I am rather happy about the giant squid sighting as well.