I feel kind of hypocrite-esque right now.
After all the time i've spent raising awareness about the Anti-War rally which was held today, I ended up not even going myself. Lame.
But, I had (what I think is) a good reason...One of my patients at the hospice where I volunteer passed away today...I thought it was more important to be w/him in his final moments than to go to yet another rally (although, I am going to the one on the 14th...I'll march extra hard to make up for missing this one, k? Promise!
People always expect me to be very sad after I lose a patient...But you know what? I almost never am (the only real exception being when the patient was a child...Then their death seems beyond unfair
). Sure, my eyes well up, and I temporarily mourn the fact that I will never be able to see/talk to/spend time with them again, but that's just selfishness, really...When I step outside of myself, I realize that there's actually no reason at all to be sad...Death is such a natural process...It happens to all of us, and if we've made the most of the time we were given up until that point, then there really is no cause for grieving.
The majority of the patients I work with are elderly (like the gentleman who passed on today), and have been very ill for a very long time...It sounds uber-cliche, but I am very glad to know that they no longer after to deal w/the extremely horrific conditions they must endure as their body begins the process of shutting down...I'm also glad that they had a chance to live such a long life and experience so much, and that I was there for them so they knew they were loved and cared for, even if they had no other friends/family around in their last moments...B/c I truly do care about every single person I work with...I love spending time with them...I love hearing about the stories of what they've experienced...Not only is it beautiful and amazing to hear about the lives of these wonderful people, but also b/c it makes me truly appreciate everything I have in my life...I look at these old, frail people and realize that at one point, they were young and strong, just like I am right now...But time really does catch up w/everyone...You really, truly do have to make the most of every second...every day...so that one day when you're lying in a hospice bed drawing your last breath you can look back at all you've gone through without regret.
So many people waste their time seeking the approval of others and waiting for the "right time" to begin REALLY living...But if you're still breathing, and esp. if you're strong enough to walk around on your own two feet, then, by God, the time to be REALLY living is RIGHT NOW...Not when you've got more $$ in the bank...Not after you've lost that extra 10 pounds, or after you get married/divorced/have kids...get that new car/new job/finish your degree...or any of the other trajillion (stupid) reasons people invent to keep themselves stressed and cause them to miss out on experiencing the beauty which constantly surrounds us all...I really think alot of it comes from fear...It's much easier to think there's some imaginary barrier keeping you from really being able to experience life then it is to be really, honestly open to it...But, in the end, what good has it been to live to be 94 if you've spent all that time being too afraid to find out what life truly has to offer?
Life is here...Right now...Regardless of what's going on with you at his moment, embrace it...Be grateful you have this time, even if things seem impossibly difficult...No matter what, there is ALWAYS joy and happiness to be found...You just have to keep yourself open enough to be able to see it. And be brave enough to let yourself experience it.
Be brave. Follow your dreams. Risk putting your heart on the line, even if it winds up breaking...Even if things get sucky for a while, it is a lot more comforting in the long run to know you did the best you could while you were here, rather then to always wonder "what might have been".
Love, peace, and beauty to everyone. -Kasey
PS- Happy New FMA Night...Yay!
PPS- Just watched an ep. of Justice League Unlimited I'd never seen before, and it was BADASSICAL!!!!!!!!!!! Wonder Woman totally did the Lynda Carter "spining around to change into her uniform" thing!! SO COOL!!! I LOVE when they do things like that...Speaking of which, I'm debating whether or not I should give "Smallville" another chance this season...I was sooooooo in love w/it during the first 2 seasons, but after that it got REALLY, REALLY, HEINOUSLY, UNFORGIVABLY BAAAAAAAAAAAD!!! The freakin' caves...That stupid "Lana as reincarnated witch" crap...The NOT HIRING ME as Lois Lane crap!! (not bitter...so not bitter!! :p )...But, this season it looks like they're actually trying to make us Super-Fans happy again...They are going to introduce the Fortress Of Solitude (yaaaaaaaaaaay!!), and James Marsters is supposed to come on "Brainiac" (mmmmmm...James Marsters...YUM!!!
. I'm so close to trying to watch it again, but it's DAMN PAINFUL to sit through a show like that which has so much freakin' potential, yet they still manage to FUCK IT UP ROYALLY!!! I dunno...Maybe I'll get brave and risk having to endure yet another stupid-ass Cave-related storyline...BLECHHHHHH!!!
PPPPPPPPPSSSSSSSS- Took my Pooh Bear to see "Corpse Bride" this afternoon...Wasn't expecting much from it, but it turns out it was very, very beautiful!! DEFINITELY recommend you guys check that out!! That is all. ::pirate hugs!!::
P to the second power divided by negative S:
is complete and utter BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!Goddammit I LOATHE this fucking administration!!!!!!!!!
I am going to fight this bullshit any fucking way I can...Total 1st ammendment violation, you stupid-ass, faux Christian, Nazi-esque motherfuckers!!!!
If you want to help stop this stupidity, feel free join SG (and me) in donating to the Electronic Frontier Foundation EFF and the Free Speech Coalition Free Speech Coalition.
After all the time i've spent raising awareness about the Anti-War rally which was held today, I ended up not even going myself. Lame.

But, I had (what I think is) a good reason...One of my patients at the hospice where I volunteer passed away today...I thought it was more important to be w/him in his final moments than to go to yet another rally (although, I am going to the one on the 14th...I'll march extra hard to make up for missing this one, k? Promise!

People always expect me to be very sad after I lose a patient...But you know what? I almost never am (the only real exception being when the patient was a child...Then their death seems beyond unfair

The majority of the patients I work with are elderly (like the gentleman who passed on today), and have been very ill for a very long time...It sounds uber-cliche, but I am very glad to know that they no longer after to deal w/the extremely horrific conditions they must endure as their body begins the process of shutting down...I'm also glad that they had a chance to live such a long life and experience so much, and that I was there for them so they knew they were loved and cared for, even if they had no other friends/family around in their last moments...B/c I truly do care about every single person I work with...I love spending time with them...I love hearing about the stories of what they've experienced...Not only is it beautiful and amazing to hear about the lives of these wonderful people, but also b/c it makes me truly appreciate everything I have in my life...I look at these old, frail people and realize that at one point, they were young and strong, just like I am right now...But time really does catch up w/everyone...You really, truly do have to make the most of every second...every day...so that one day when you're lying in a hospice bed drawing your last breath you can look back at all you've gone through without regret.
So many people waste their time seeking the approval of others and waiting for the "right time" to begin REALLY living...But if you're still breathing, and esp. if you're strong enough to walk around on your own two feet, then, by God, the time to be REALLY living is RIGHT NOW...Not when you've got more $$ in the bank...Not after you've lost that extra 10 pounds, or after you get married/divorced/have kids...get that new car/new job/finish your degree...or any of the other trajillion (stupid) reasons people invent to keep themselves stressed and cause them to miss out on experiencing the beauty which constantly surrounds us all...I really think alot of it comes from fear...It's much easier to think there's some imaginary barrier keeping you from really being able to experience life then it is to be really, honestly open to it...But, in the end, what good has it been to live to be 94 if you've spent all that time being too afraid to find out what life truly has to offer?
Life is here...Right now...Regardless of what's going on with you at his moment, embrace it...Be grateful you have this time, even if things seem impossibly difficult...No matter what, there is ALWAYS joy and happiness to be found...You just have to keep yourself open enough to be able to see it. And be brave enough to let yourself experience it.
Be brave. Follow your dreams. Risk putting your heart on the line, even if it winds up breaking...Even if things get sucky for a while, it is a lot more comforting in the long run to know you did the best you could while you were here, rather then to always wonder "what might have been".
Love, peace, and beauty to everyone. -Kasey
PS- Happy New FMA Night...Yay!

PPS- Just watched an ep. of Justice League Unlimited I'd never seen before, and it was BADASSICAL!!!!!!!!!!! Wonder Woman totally did the Lynda Carter "spining around to change into her uniform" thing!! SO COOL!!! I LOVE when they do things like that...Speaking of which, I'm debating whether or not I should give "Smallville" another chance this season...I was sooooooo in love w/it during the first 2 seasons, but after that it got REALLY, REALLY, HEINOUSLY, UNFORGIVABLY BAAAAAAAAAAAD!!! The freakin' caves...That stupid "Lana as reincarnated witch" crap...The NOT HIRING ME as Lois Lane crap!! (not bitter...so not bitter!! :p )...But, this season it looks like they're actually trying to make us Super-Fans happy again...They are going to introduce the Fortress Of Solitude (yaaaaaaaaaaay!!), and James Marsters is supposed to come on "Brainiac" (mmmmmm...James Marsters...YUM!!!

PPPPPPPPPSSSSSSSS- Took my Pooh Bear to see "Corpse Bride" this afternoon...Wasn't expecting much from it, but it turns out it was very, very beautiful!! DEFINITELY recommend you guys check that out!! That is all. ::pirate hugs!!::

P to the second power divided by negative S:

is complete and utter BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!Goddammit I LOATHE this fucking administration!!!!!!!!!

I am going to fight this bullshit any fucking way I can...Total 1st ammendment violation, you stupid-ass, faux Christian, Nazi-esque motherfuckers!!!!
If you want to help stop this stupidity, feel free join SG (and me) in donating to the Electronic Frontier Foundation EFF and the Free Speech Coalition Free Speech Coalition.
I know right! I just nocied we almost have the same birthday. kwel hun!

QFE = quote for effect