The following (long-ass blog) is full of shameless self-promotion (and features a link to a vid of me w/out make-up...YIKES!!
Please read at your own risk, mateys!!
(lazily re=posted fro,m Myspace. Sorry!!
Forgive me in advance for the stupidocity of this blog, sirs and ma'ms, but I guess it is kind of (regrettably) necessary.
I HATE online beauty pageants...with a MAJOR passion!! I hate the whole "Hey, Vote For Me B/c I Said So" mentality of them, and generally try to avoid 'em like the plague!!
However, recently I came across one where the prize is so freakin' rad-ilicious that I just couldn't resist signing up! It's for Pangeafights.com...I would LOVE to actually fucking fight for them, but b/c I have to worry about the whole "poppin' a boob issue" for my reg. work, alas, I cannot. (For the record, I do realize that even if I did fight fer 'em I'd get my ass hella kicked, but it would be sooooooooo much fun!! Damn you, poppable boobies...DAMN YOU!!! )
So, I signed up for the next best thing...A chance to become Ms. Pangea Fights (oy...Smells like "Beauty Pageant" crap to me, but what're ya gonna do? ). Basically, people can vote online for who they want their Ring Girls to be at the upcoming Pangea event (in August...more details on that later! ), and the Top 3 vote getters get to, well...be ring girls (derr! ), who then fight it out (somehow...Not really sure HOW exactly) to be named Ms. Pangea Fights and rep the company and shit...Which would so hella rock for a martial arts fanatatic like me!!
Anyway, long story short, (waaaaaaaaaaay too freakin' late, I know!! ) I just checked out the vote tallies and I am getting my ass KICKED...and not in a good way!! So, I reckon that if I want to have a chance to strut my stuff at the way-rad Pangea event come August-time, I'm gonna have to resort to this loser-ass "Vote For Me" bullshit.
I'm sorry. Sincerely.
But, if you are so inclined, please check out my brief little "Tell Us Why YOU Should Be a Ring Girl" vid @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWf3KSPj_Ok, then hop on over to Pangeafights.com and vote fer me...But only if you want to, of course...Not b/c you feel obligated to b/c you're my bud or anything!!
I know, I know...I'm not exactly at my hot-alicious in the vid...But I went to shoot it thinking I was going to be demonstrating my martial arts badassed-ness, not prancing around like a freakin' dumbass and trying to pull the whole "Vote For Me Cause I'm Cute...Tee hee" thing.
The other girls on the site are all Barbie-fied up in their vids, and I feel like a dumbass for thinking it was going to be about my fighting abilities instead of my "prancing" abilities...But, what's done is done...The vid is what it is, and all I can say is that it pretty accurately demonstrates my personality (the whole time I was doing the "dancing in place" retardedness I was screaming out, "You guys realize this is the stupidest thing ever, right?!!" ), and that, despite how "fight-ready" I may look in the vid, I can generally clean up pretty nice, and will totally look hot when/if I get chosen to be a ring girl...Pinky swear!!
So there you have it...I would REALLY appreciate it if you wanna throw a vote or 2 my way, but also completely understand if you resent me for even bringing this crap up!! But, at least now you know about this stupid voting crap, and, in the words of Captain Planet..."THE POWER IS YOURS!! And Kasey is hot."
Peace and love, my martial-arts lovin' homies!! xoxo
PS- I still adore the non-censorship of this site!!
The following (long-ass blog) is full of shameless self-promotion (and features a link to a vid of me w/out make-up...YIKES!!

Please read at your own risk, mateys!!

(lazily re=posted fro,m Myspace. Sorry!!

Forgive me in advance for the stupidocity of this blog, sirs and ma'ms, but I guess it is kind of (regrettably) necessary.
I HATE online beauty pageants...with a MAJOR passion!! I hate the whole "Hey, Vote For Me B/c I Said So" mentality of them, and generally try to avoid 'em like the plague!!
However, recently I came across one where the prize is so freakin' rad-ilicious that I just couldn't resist signing up! It's for Pangeafights.com...I would LOVE to actually fucking fight for them, but b/c I have to worry about the whole "poppin' a boob issue" for my reg. work, alas, I cannot. (For the record, I do realize that even if I did fight fer 'em I'd get my ass hella kicked, but it would be sooooooooo much fun!! Damn you, poppable boobies...DAMN YOU!!! )
So, I signed up for the next best thing...A chance to become Ms. Pangea Fights (oy...Smells like "Beauty Pageant" crap to me, but what're ya gonna do? ). Basically, people can vote online for who they want their Ring Girls to be at the upcoming Pangea event (in August...more details on that later! ), and the Top 3 vote getters get to, well...be ring girls (derr! ), who then fight it out (somehow...Not really sure HOW exactly) to be named Ms. Pangea Fights and rep the company and shit...Which would so hella rock for a martial arts fanatatic like me!!
Anyway, long story short, (waaaaaaaaaaay too freakin' late, I know!! ) I just checked out the vote tallies and I am getting my ass KICKED...and not in a good way!! So, I reckon that if I want to have a chance to strut my stuff at the way-rad Pangea event come August-time, I'm gonna have to resort to this loser-ass "Vote For Me" bullshit.
I'm sorry. Sincerely.
But, if you are so inclined, please check out my brief little "Tell Us Why YOU Should Be a Ring Girl" vid @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWf3KSPj_Ok, then hop on over to Pangeafights.com and vote fer me...But only if you want to, of course...Not b/c you feel obligated to b/c you're my bud or anything!!
I know, I know...I'm not exactly at my hot-alicious in the vid...But I went to shoot it thinking I was going to be demonstrating my martial arts badassed-ness, not prancing around like a freakin' dumbass and trying to pull the whole "Vote For Me Cause I'm Cute...Tee hee" thing.
The other girls on the site are all Barbie-fied up in their vids, and I feel like a dumbass for thinking it was going to be about my fighting abilities instead of my "prancing" abilities...But, what's done is done...The vid is what it is, and all I can say is that it pretty accurately demonstrates my personality (the whole time I was doing the "dancing in place" retardedness I was screaming out, "You guys realize this is the stupidest thing ever, right?!!" ), and that, despite how "fight-ready" I may look in the vid, I can generally clean up pretty nice, and will totally look hot when/if I get chosen to be a ring girl...Pinky swear!!
So there you have it...I would REALLY appreciate it if you wanna throw a vote or 2 my way, but also completely understand if you resent me for even bringing this crap up!! But, at least now you know about this stupid voting crap, and, in the words of Captain Planet..."THE POWER IS YOURS!! And Kasey is hot."
Peace and love, my martial-arts lovin' homies!! xoxo
PS- I still adore the non-censorship of this site!!

Um. Can we see more of your boobies?

happy birthday 4 yrs later, since you posted oh SG