Every time I'm gone from this site for any length of time it is always dramatically changed upon my return. What's up w/that, homie?
Apparently there is now an "inbox" on this site (ala "Myspace"), which I am still trying to figure out (forgive me...I'm a blond
I have a shoot in, like, 5 mins, so I don't have a lot of time to play around w/the whole nifty "inbox" thingy right now, but I will try my dangedest to be on later this evening to get a clear grasp of the latest SG "upgrade". I totally tried to respond to some of the messages already in my box (so many jokes...so little time
), but I'm not sure if they went through or not. So if you wrote me and I haven't written back, it's totally b/c I'm a dumbass, and NOT b/c I'm ignoring you!!
Gotta run...Love you guys!!

I have a shoot in, like, 5 mins, so I don't have a lot of time to play around w/the whole nifty "inbox" thingy right now, but I will try my dangedest to be on later this evening to get a clear grasp of the latest SG "upgrade". I totally tried to respond to some of the messages already in my box (so many jokes...so little time

Gotta run...Love you guys!!

Come back! We miss you!

Can't wait to see your SG set