Final Update For The Day:
JEFF WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so excited, I shall write a haiku about it!! lol...It's that kinda day, what can I say?
Jeff Gordon just won
That makes me very horny
Junior still sucks though
YAY!! Best Haiku EVER!!!
I HAVE to get outta here and do something productive now (well...after I go a round or 2 w/my magic wand...hehe
...Have a beautiful JG Day everybody...yay!!!
Hey!! Check out the Super Cool Super Shorts my friend just gave me for my b-day!! (which was in June, but it's the thought that counts!!
) Cute, yes? (if you ignore my icky sunburn marks of course!!
Just wanted to share...Carry on.
Watching Nascar right now, and I got inspired to share another original poem w/ya'll (yes...when I'm watching Nascar I say "ya'll"
I call it "Dale Jr. Sucks"
Dale Jr. sucks
He sucks Ass
He sucks Cock
And he sucks big sweaty Donkey Balls.
He sucks and I hate him
Because he sucks
And he annoys the shit out of me.
And he is dumb.
The End.
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Brilliant, yes?
It's TOTALLY from the heart!! hehe!!
Alright...For once I shall take a break from quoting the words of others, and post my own.
Be kind. And shut up.
Look deep into her eyes
So beautiful yet so sad.
Look deep into her soul.
They say that she's an angel.
But where is her spirit?
Lingering inside her battered body.
Yearning to be freed of the darkness
But it will never be.
Look through her eyes.
What do you see?
A terrified little girl
Struggling so hard to find logic
In the senselessness that is life.
Look through her soul,
What do you feel?
The drowning of a human being
Breath running out
As darkness envelops you.
You fight.
You try so hard to win.
But the more you fight
The more you're sucked back in.
"Don't fight anymore"
The voices tell you
"Let the darkness consume you.
You can't fight it.
You can't beat it.
The demons always win."
But she doesn't give in.
For despite all the darkness
She can still see light.
She reaches out for it
Yet it only slips away.
But then she hears the voice
That so often helped her move on
That made her spirit strong.
Telling her, "I'm hope.
Listen to me,
Reach for me,
You won't lose.
You are helpless no more."
Now, look through her eyes
What do you see?
A triumphant young warrior.
A survivor.
Look through her soul,
What do you see?
A spirit freed.
Basking in the sunshine above.
She won
Because she had hope.
She won
Because she never gave up.
Look through my eyes.
What do you see?
A reborn human being.
A triumphant young warrior.
Look through my soul.
What do you see?
A spirit freed.
A smile radiant.
A fighter victorious.
And a survivor.
Never let go,
Never give up,
For soon you'll see the light.
The storm will always be silenced
And the sun will again light the sky.
Never give up
And you shall rejoice in the beauty of the triumph.
JEFF WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so excited, I shall write a haiku about it!! lol...It's that kinda day, what can I say?

Jeff Gordon just won
That makes me very horny
Junior still sucks though
YAY!! Best Haiku EVER!!!

Hey!! Check out the Super Cool Super Shorts my friend just gave me for my b-day!! (which was in June, but it's the thought that counts!!

Just wanted to share...Carry on.

Watching Nascar right now, and I got inspired to share another original poem w/ya'll (yes...when I'm watching Nascar I say "ya'll"

I call it "Dale Jr. Sucks"
Dale Jr. sucks
He sucks Ass
He sucks Cock
And he sucks big sweaty Donkey Balls.
He sucks and I hate him
Because he sucks
And he annoys the shit out of me.
And he is dumb.
The End.
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Brilliant, yes?

Alright...For once I shall take a break from quoting the words of others, and post my own.
Be kind. And shut up.

Look deep into her eyes
So beautiful yet so sad.
Look deep into her soul.
They say that she's an angel.
But where is her spirit?
Lingering inside her battered body.
Yearning to be freed of the darkness
But it will never be.
Look through her eyes.
What do you see?
A terrified little girl
Struggling so hard to find logic
In the senselessness that is life.
Look through her soul,
What do you feel?
The drowning of a human being
Breath running out
As darkness envelops you.
You fight.
You try so hard to win.
But the more you fight
The more you're sucked back in.
"Don't fight anymore"
The voices tell you
"Let the darkness consume you.
You can't fight it.
You can't beat it.
The demons always win."
But she doesn't give in.
For despite all the darkness
She can still see light.
She reaches out for it
Yet it only slips away.
But then she hears the voice
That so often helped her move on
That made her spirit strong.
Telling her, "I'm hope.
Listen to me,
Reach for me,
You won't lose.
You are helpless no more."
Now, look through her eyes
What do you see?
A triumphant young warrior.
A survivor.
Look through her soul,
What do you see?
A spirit freed.
Basking in the sunshine above.
She won
Because she had hope.
She won
Because she never gave up.
Look through my eyes.
What do you see?
A reborn human being.
A triumphant young warrior.
Look through my soul.
What do you see?
A spirit freed.
A smile radiant.
A fighter victorious.
And a survivor.
Never let go,
Never give up,
For soon you'll see the light.
The storm will always be silenced
And the sun will again light the sky.
Never give up
And you shall rejoice in the beauty of the triumph.
Sexy profile pic!
I'm surprised that you didn't put one up with a JG theme in mind. Wait, that sounds like an idea for an SG set...
*hint* Love your new shorts....

hey Beautiful!!! nice shorts... nice write too... -Daniel